Premium Essay

Defining Marketing


Submitted By aubdob13
Words 793
Pages 4
Defining Marketing Every day, people are affected by marketing. Whether it is on your way to work and you find yourself in the drive thru at Starbucks to get your daily cup of coffee, or stopping at your local restaurant to get a good deal on breakfast. Businesses, big and small all have their own way of marketing to develop a relationship with consumers. Without proper marketing, an organization will be unnoticed. The success of an organization depends on many marketing strategies.
Marketing Definition Marketing refers to a business or product being advertised to a customer to satisfy their needs. According to Kotler and Armstrong (2010), “Marketing is the social process by which individuals and organizations obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging value with others.” Marketing is also defined as an activity to explore options in how to satisfy a customer and keep a customer loyal to a particular organization. It is also pertinent to adjust an organization with the current economy (Perreault, Cannon, & McCarthy, "Marketing Defined," 2011).
Importance of Marketing The importance of marketing is based on the consumers’ wants and needs. In profit and non-profit organizations, marketing is an important role in each business. Marketing is often portrayed as an advertisement to a customer. A product or service that is being marketed is to portray the consumer of how satisfying the product is. Once the consumer is convinced of how well the product or service is, the consumer will be more likely to develop a sense of loyalty to a particular business. In this case, the marketing strategies are successful. An important factor of marketing is to ensure the marketing department is keeping up with the current economy and new innovations. From an organizational standpoint, success is the key to longevity. Without proper marketing and

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