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Defining Terrorism

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There is no universal definition of terrorism but in what case does it really matters? Do we need a universal definition of terrorism? During the last two century, many definition of terrorism have been elaborated. As today there are several different kinds of terrorism and also different point of view on terrorism nobody can clearly understand what is terrorism. The description of terrorism varies between cultures. Moreover one of the current problems with the word terrorism is that it is easier to define this term by what it is not than define it by what it is. A Universal definition is needed, In order to clearly understand this notion.
However, even scholars or governments are not agreeing on the fact that we need a universal definition of terrorism. According to Lutz, “what will be useful is to provide a working definition, as neutral as possible. What is also necessary is to read and evaluate with cares how others use the word. A clear and workable definition of terrorism should cover both groups that individuals agree with and group that they disagree with” . Sebastian Wojciechowski offers several …show more content…
Indeed “countering terrorism means predicting the methods used by groups and the likely targets; a truly thorough comprehension and definition of motivations would better serve this purpose.” says Laura Clarke . It may necessary to forget the search of a universal definition of terrorism and to wonder if building a set of definitions, which would reflect the different motivations of terrorists groups, would not be better. Most of the definitions of terrorism we have today are not so practical, they just summarized the phenomenon. Scholars and governments would have to agree on a series of definition “that reflect the variation between motivations and allow for the most effective means of fighting the terrorist

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