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Definition Essay On Judgment

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Judgment is something that everyone must face at one point or another. Whether it is a judgment for justice or just a simple judgment on how one looks, we have all been a part of this act in some way. Judgment is so ordinary that it has shaped our views on many diverse groups that hold any sort of commonalities, from race to a preference in coffee shops, we even label these groups as what we know to be, stereotypes. I too had found myself using these unrealistic views on others as a way of judging how a person might react, think, and even turn out as they grew older. Not until the day I realized how stereotypes and judgment affected me personally, would I learn that the truth in judgment lies with the accused, ultimately making judgment unable to define anyone as a person. I consider myself to be a "good" person. I make good …show more content…
What could a person like me possibly do to change another's perspective on me for the worse? Well, there is one thing that always seems to strike a chord with at least one out of every two people I meet and it is the fact that I am a teen mother. The majority if not all (probably all), people have the core belief that having a child within the teenage years is an automatic depiction of the type of future one will have. A beyond difficult life, one where the necessities of life will not be in reach, the no degree earned parent, a child raised solely off welfare and the list goes on to the point where I could fill this entire essay with the negative accusations placed on teen parents. Nonetheless, I would consider myself blessed to have had these negative point of views, for the most part, absent from

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