We have collected all the articles needed for the project from the AIS journals and we r reading and summarizing them and there is some of the summaries.
Summary of the articles: 1. Examining the critical success factors of Mobile website adoption (Tao Zhou, 2010):
The purpose of this research is to examine the critical success factors of mobile website adoption.
General view:
The paper is talking about the information systems success theory proposes the system quality and information quality affect users usage and satisfaction with information systems, further determining organizational performance (D&M) service quality. The new model argues that system quality, information quality and service quality affect usage and user satisfaction, further affecting net benefits such as increased knowledge sharing and lower costs. Also the case is talking about the TAM and the trust concepts.
So the system quality here reflects the stability, navigation and layout of mobile sites. Mobile service providers need to rely on a reliable and well designed interface to deliver ubiquitous information and services to users.
The Hypothesis that the author has indicated in this research are: 1. H1: system quality, information quality and service quality significantly affect perceived ease of use. 2. H2: system quality, Information quality and Service quality significantly affect perceived usefulness. 3. H3: System quality, Information quality and Service quality significantly affect user trust. 4. H4: perceived ease of use significantly affect perceived usefulness. 5. H5: Trust significantly affect’s perceived usefulness. 6. H6: Perceived ease of use significantly affect user satisfaction. 7. H7: Perceived usefulness significantly affect user satisfaction. 8. H8: Trust significantly affect user satisfaction.