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Demaree Case Summary

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She reported Demaree has been attending individual therapy twice weekly for a period of one year. She noted that they both participate in family therapy, but only as needed. During the evaluation Demaree denied ever having homicidal intent or ideation. Demaree admitted to having thoughts of harming himself after the alleged incident, but denied any other suicidal intent or attempts. Demaree denied a history of mental health treatment on a residential or inpatient basis. Both the youth and his mother denied Demaree had a history of hospitalization under Baker Act.

Demaree was the product of a relationship between Ms. Juan Francois and an unnamed male partner, a never married couple whose union produced one child. Demaree currently resides with his mother, Juan Francois (10/25/83), sister Naomi Alcimbert (12/23/04) and his brother Nathan Francois (11/25/14). Ms. Francois noted that Demaree does not have a relationship with his biological father, but has a relationship with a male, which he calls his “father.” During the clinical interview with the undersigned Demaree acknowledged he has an adequate relationship with his mother, noting he can talk to her about his feelings. In regards to his father, Demaree described the relationship as “good;” and noted he allows him to do whatever he wants, even though his father refrains him for going on the electronics at his home. Demaree stated …show more content…
Demaree indicated when he misbehaves, his privileges are taken away. Demaree reported being disciplined for receiving poor grades, fighting in school, receiving detention or not completing his chores. Ms. Francois admitted to spanking, while disciplining her child. Relatedly, she denied her form of discipline has ever resulted in Demaree bleeding or receiving bruises and claimed he has never required medical attention as a result of her discipline

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