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Dental Implants Informative Essay

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In the past, there was only one option for replacing teeth: dentures. Fortunately, the advancements of dental technology have improved and now there is another option: dental implants. Although there is now a second option for replacing missing teeth, many people avoid it due to some common misconceptions.
If you have heard some scary—or odd—myths about dental implants, you are not alone. However, if you have missing teeth and are looking for a replacement it is important you learn the truth about dental implants.
Here are four myths debunked about dental implants:
1. You Need Excellent Health
While it is definitely helpful to be in excellent health, you do not need to have perfect health to be a candidate for dental implants. People with diabetes, high blood pressure, and …show more content…
Although it may be more difficult, it is still possible. So don't be afraid to talk to your dentist about your options, you may be surprised to learn that even you can have a successful implant procedure.
2. Implants Require Special Care
Many people believe that implants require special care. Sometimes, people think that the implant needs a special toothbrush. Even worse, some people believe that implants require constant and thorough brushing or flossing.
The truth, however, is that implants require the same level of care as natural teeth. Yes, they do need to be brushed and flossed—but so do your natural teeth. Contrary to popular belief, you will not need to change your diet or alter your lifestyle in any way.
3. All Implants Are the Same
There are two main types of dental implants: traditional and mini. A lot of people believe that both types are implants are the same, but they are not.
Traditional implants are designed to replace natural teeth for life, while mini implants are usually temporary. Mini implants may also be used to anchor dentures or partial

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