Every year the world has seen an increase in the number of couples faced with infertility, while there is a decrease in the age these of married couple. In many cases, infertility is supported by psycho-emotional disorders. The repetitive thoughts about trying to get pregnant can make psycho-emotional health of couple suffer. Some couples continue to fight for being parent, some of them give up, but all feel equally bad. Thus, there is a circle mechanism: on the one hand, the fact of infertility contributes to a negative emotional state, on the other hand, a destructive psycho-emotional state leads to physical problems and infertility. The ability not to have baby in the family is one of the most serious chronic stressful situations for spouses. Depression and infertility are companions. The impact of psychological state due to infertility treatment result is recognized by almost all researchers. Depression due to infertility are not only harmful to psycho-emotional state of couple, but also is very dangerous to physical ability to have children. P. P. Verbovyi, Comparative Evaluation of Psycho-emotion State of Married Couple. In this article the author dives comparative description of the depression in women and men due to infertility. The clinical and psychopathological observation and examination of 90 couple who suffers infertility problems show that the most severe syndromes of depression is in couple who suffers infertility problem from 1 to 5 years. The severity of syndromes goes down from 6 to 10 years, and again up from 11 to 15 years. Purpose of this work was to establish of psycho-emotional condition of infertile men and their wives, taking into account the experience of infertility. Among men and women in all three groups (1 to 5 infertility treatment, 6 to 1o, and 11 to 15) were diagnosed most symptoms that characterize depressive disorders range: depressed mood, guilt, difficulty in falling asleep, insomnia, early awakening, lethargy of thinking, excitation, mental and somatic anxiety, somatic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, somatic symptoms, sexuality disorders, hypochondriacally disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders (p<0.05). The result show that in men the result is more severe than in women. By all of the scales that was used for result the depression the more aggressive types of depression disorder had the men and women from group 1 (1 to 5), the medium degree of psycho-emotional disorder was found in group 3 (11 to 16), and the lowest level of depression was presented in group 2 (6 to 10). Also the study found that in group 1 was more visible psycho-emotional symptoms, and in group 2 and 3 more somatic symptoms. Study shows only correlation. M. S. Moskalets, Depression: a Factor That Hinders the Effectiveness of Treatment Of Female Infertility. The researchers observed and test 434 women who had diagnosed of infertility. First of all, all participants were given a full medical examination, where among others were evaluated symptomatic manifestations of depression and anxiety. Also the researchers compered economical and social statuses of these women. After initial examination all participating subjected survey on progress in the treatment of infertility another three times: at 4, 10 and 18 months’ letter. As a result, it was found that 13% of the total number of patients ignored all doctor’s advice and does not adhere to treatment. According to these women, the main reasons that pushed them to such inaction was emotional distress. It turned out that with increasing age of participants was increasing of the probability for refusing infertility treatments. According to experts, such a step is likely associated with the idea that all previous attempts to conceive failed. As for education level, those women who had only secondary education, 79% of them are more likely to adhere to medical advice. The presence of depression casts doubts on the effectiveness of therapy and thus increased the likelihood of non-compliance with the recommended medical scheme by 23%. In conclusion, the main researcher Mykola Moskalets suggests to avoid later negative outcomes is necessary to develop and consider ways of identifying and treating depression is the earliest stages of counseling women who suffer from infertility. Moreover, the symptoms of depression and anxiety are diagnosed and treated more easily, unlike age and financial characteristics over which doctors have no power.
E. A. Ravileva, Medical and Psychological Characteristics of Women During Infertility Treatment. The purpose of the study was to improve the effectiveness of the treatment of female infertility based on the introduction of a comprehensive treatment methods of correction of psycho-emotional disorders. In the study participate 102 women who got different infertility diagnosis. Based on the physical exams and treatments of the participants’ specialists conducted special clinic-psychological and sociological surveys. According to the results of the surveys were selected 72 women who are the experimental group (with carrying out psycho-correction) and 30 women a control group (without psycho-correction). In the experimental group psycho-correction was conducted in a group format. Meetings were carried out in a closed group with a frequency of 3 times a week for 1.5 hours during 2-3 weeks. Group work was aimed at the harmonization of identity. Psycho correction was based mainly on the method of the experience of images, as well as applied elements indicative bodily techniques and autogenously training. Results show that the vast majority (79.4%) women with infertility have been various psycho-emotional disorders, which are mainly presented in the form of anxiety, anxiety-depressive and depressive reactions. The frequency and severity of infantile psycho-emotional reactions in women are directly dependent on the duration of the treatment of infertility, its pathogenic form, as well as features of physical health and social status of women. With increasing duration of infertility treatment (over 5 years) is marked reduction in the incidence of anxiety symptoms transformation reactions due to the deepening of and accession depressive component. The inclusion of psychological correction. as the treatment complex of infertility, in view of the pathogenesis of infertility, personal characteristics, the nature of psycho-emotional disorders, physical features of the patient's status, and stages and treatments, can significantly reduce the proportion and degree of psycho-emotional symptoms and improve treatment efficiency by 1.5 times.
(Verbovyi, 2014) (Moskalets, 2015) (Ravileva, 2012) (Makarova , Krishtal, & Verbovoy, 2015) (Anohin, 1998) (Anohin, 1998) (Anohin, 1998) (Anohin, 1998; Shanker, 2010)The basis of data made a comprehensive study of 180 couples with infertility. The 90 couples of the experimental group had inside family problems, and 90 couples in control group without family issues. The purpose of this work was based on a systematic approach to the study of psycho-emotional, sexual, psychological and marital disorders of family life with infertility in men and develop a set of measures its correction. The methods of psycho correction were cognitive and family therapy. The study studied the psycho-emotional sphere couples with infertility in men. In the married couples with inside family problems in 42.2% of men and 35.6% women have psycho-emotional disorders and depressive anxiety; in harmonious pairs in 10% of men and 13.3% of women are some signs of pathological anxiety that do not reach the level of anxiety disorder. In the first 5 years of marriage psychopathological manifestations observed in 43.34% of women and between 5 to 10 years they will grow to 56.7%, and substantially decreasing to 6.7% under 15 years of infertile marriages. The researchers based on results they got developed some method of psycho correction: partnership of the patient and his wife, appeal to the harmonic personality, training in mastering the manifestations of anxiety, depression, stress, skills training adaptation and solving problems, etc. Infertility in marriage is not only physical, it is also always a psychological and social disadvantage. Socio-psychological trouble appears decrease of interest in current events, and the frequent development of an inferiority complex. Individuals with infertility, are characterized by sincere personal experiences, and reducing the overall activity and efficiency. Among women with infertility, there is increased neuroticism, guilt, anxiety, irritability, and bad mood. Prolonged infertility creates more mental stress, which often leads to divorce. Up to 70% of infertile marriages terminated (Anohin N. V., 1998). Tereshin A. V. (2012) assessing the psycho-emotional state of women with infertility found out that disorders of the emotional state identified in 92% of the women surveyed, 53.3% has chronic depression and 14% suffering from a stressful situation. The increased level of anxiety was detected in 69% of patients. L. W. Cox (2010) found that the "unexplained" infertility may be due to childhood conflict, various social factors, unsuccessful relationships in the family, fear of pregnancy, motherhood, fear of childbirth and postpartum psychosis, a contradiction between the desire for professional work and motherhood. However, it is shown that in most cases the stress is a result of infertility and not the cause. J. Shankar notes that not more than 5% of women suffer from infertility in the stress reaction result. Nevertheless, many couples have pronounced stress state in connection with infertility. Most couples experience a certain sense of social isolation from families with children, and the intimacy and tenderness of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures have a negative impact on an emotional state. (J. Shankar, 2010) The impact of psychological state due to the result of infertility treatment is recognized by virtually all researchers. Reactions to infertility, regardless of whether it is female or male, is more pronounced in women. Age and duration of marriage does not affect the sharpness of depression. The most severe syndromes of depression are shown with the couple who are diagnosed from 1 year to 5. After 5 years the adaptation to the infertility begins. Specific psychotherapeutic techniques in the treatment of infertility does not exist, and the available data mainly concern the problem of correction of mental disorders secondary to infertility. Psycho correction techniques show the significant decrees in level of depression. In recent years, there were developed different methods of psychological correction and treatment of mental disorders due infertility. Harmonically inside family relationship has very large effect on psycho-emotional state of couple who suffer from infertility. Almost all of the study show correlation between stress and infertility but there is almost imposable to find the study of the causes of depression. Especially how much of this psycho-emotional stress are caused by family and friends expectations. The study witch will show the percentage rank of the depressed infertile women due to family-community expectation, infertile treatments, self expectation, etc. could form correct psychotherapy. Hypothesis of the study: Infertile women from communities with more sever family expectations are more depressed that infertile women from the more individual countries.
Anohin, L. V. (1998). The epidemiology of infertility in marriage. Medical journal .
Cox , L. W. (2010). Infertiliti: a comprehensive programme. OB-GYN , 82.
Makarova , M. V., Krishtal, E. V., & Verbovoy, P. P. (2015). Clinical Manifestations, Mechanism of Formation And Family Life Psycho Correction Violations Infertility in Men. Urology and Andrology .
Moskalets, M. S. (2015). Depression: a Factor That Hinders the Effectiveness of Treatment Of Female Infertility. Psychology Today , 26-42.
Ravileva, E. A. (2012). Medical and Psychological Characteristics of Women During Infertility Treatment. PhD Thesis, Moscow State Univercity, Psychology, Moskow.
Shanker, J. (2010). Fecundity and infertility in the United State. 3, 181-182.
Tereshin, A. V. (2012). A systematic approach to the diagnosis and correction of the reproductive and sexual functions in the endocrine forms of infertility in women. 247.
Verbovyi, P. P. (2014). Comparative Evaluation of Psycho-emotion State of Married Couple. Diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders . Donets'k, Donets'k, Ukraine.