Free Essay

Desciption of Logos Pathos Ethos


Submitted By kalledallehey
Words 294
Pages 2

Logos taler til til en modtagers fornuft
Patos taler til følelser
Etos taler til modtagers tillid og respekt

Logos = rationel
Patos = følelser
Etos = omdømme/troværdighed

Man bruger begreberne til at beskrive fx reklamers metode at fange modtagere på.

Logos reklamer = køb en ny Ford. Nu KUN 1000 kr.
Patos reklamer = se disse sultne børn i afrika, SEND OS PENGE :D
Etos reklamer = coca cola drikker alle de seje

If we had to promote this car through advertisements, then ethos and logos would be the best ways to present this car. We would through ethos show this supercar as something only rich and exclusive people could possible own, at the same time we’ve got this part of the environmental thingy included, that could lead to an increasing amount of cars sold, because this is what makes this car special compared to other brands such ferrari, lamborghini and so forth.

If we were to make a small commercial, then we would sell the car through the aspect of ethos and logos, making this car somewhat of a quality product and meanwhile focusing on the environment. our commercial would stare a nice looking model wearing clothes from e.g. Ralph lauren that we’ve been working with the past days, driving along the beach on a sunny day, meanwhile a smooth voice explaining some of the assets and the positive aspect of this car driving on hydrogen and some of the other equipment following the car. We belive that this commercial would appeal quite well to males in the age 20-60 years old. We would through these commercials brand ourselves as a luxery product only a small majority can afford to buy, and being a bit special, and something you can brag about.

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