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Describe How To Make Chili Research Paper

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Think about it. Twenty degrees outside with slight flurries. It is almost halftime of the Superbowl, and those chips and salsa are not satisfying your hunger. I have been using this recipe to make chili for as long as I can remember. Making chili, or cooking in general, is a great skill to have. When you are having a gathering of people, you want a crowd pleaser. Or even if you are cooking just for yourself, you will have enough leftovers, which will be just as good as the first night. First thing you need to do is to go to the grocery store. You will need one and a half pounds of ground beef. You could substitute for ground turkey, for a healthier choice if you would like. As well as 1 large onion, 1 bell pepper (I prefer to use an orange or yellow pepper, because it brightens up the chili), 4 cloves …show more content…
Next comes the spices. You will need two tablespoons of chili powder, one teaspoon of dried, crushed basil, one teaspoon salt, and half a teaspoon of crushed, black pepper. Now that you have all your ingredients, it is time to start making the chili. To start, brown the ground beef in a skillet, that has a huge base, but not very deep. This is the best pan to use because it will be easy to turn over the meat. Cook the meat at medium to high heat, once it is in the skillet, leave it alone so it will be able to cook. Once that is going on, chop up your bell pepper and onion. You want the pieces to be relatively the same size, in order to cook evenly. Next, mince the garlic. To use a garlic press, place the unpeeled garlic clove in the inner metal part of the press.

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