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Describe the Recruitment Documentation Used in Apple


Submitted By 123studywithme
Words 1057
Pages 5
P1 (a) Describe the Recruitment Documentation used in Apple.
If Apple is recruiting workers they will need to advertise their job, they can do this by putting a job description on their website. A job description is a formal account of an employee’s position and responsibilities (Google), by presenting a job description the potential worker can have an idea of the type of responsibilities they will have while working for Apple and the type of job related tasks they will have to complete while working for Apple.
Apple’s job description will also contain other important information such as; the working hours, Salary, and the location of the job . This information is vital to a potential employee as they will need to know if they are able to meet the required hours for the job, if the job location is suitable for them, and if the salary of the job satisfies them.
Apple will also use a person specification; this is a statement of what type of person Apple believes will be suitable for the job. For example, if the job requires an employee to be behind the till dealing with customers then the person specification will probably state that the employee must have good communication skills in order to communicate successfully with customers.
It will also require the applicants qualifications and personal skills E.g. Motivational skills, honest individual, team player , reliable individual ..These are all things that Apple believes could benefit the business.
When an applicant is applying for a job at Apple they will need to submit a form of Curriculum Vitae alongside a job application. A ‘Curriculum Vitae’ is known as a brief account of someone’s education, qualifications and previous occupations (Oxford Dictionary). A CV (Curriculum Vitae) will include the applicants personal details (name, address, Email) , these personal details are generally used as contact

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