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Devimillious Charm Vs Spongify Research Paper

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The two spells that we learned this week are the Verdimillious Charm and Spongify.

The Verdimillious Charm can be used as a defence or to illuminate. This charn shoots out green-colored sparks. When used as a defence, the incantation for this is "Verdimillious" which is pronounced as vur-duh-MILL-ee-us and then, move your wand with a forward slashing motion and it must be pointed to your opponent. The sparks will explode around your target and will only cause them a slight pain. You need to immediately cast another spell after using this charm.

When not used as a defence, it can be used to illuminate a dark room. But the waving of the wand is different. You need to say the incantation first and then wave your wand in a circular movement above your head. This is to make sure that you are not aiming anything other than the air. The tip of the wand will shoot out a green light and explode across the room. This will cause the room to illuminate and the hidden things like secret doors, platforms, and such hidden by a dark magic will be revealed. But this magic will only take effect in a limited time until the spell fades out. …show more content…
To perform this spell, you need to point you wand to your target and say the incantation clearly, "SPUN-jee-fye", then move your wand in an "S" motion. This spell will cause the target to soften, be flexible, and have a rubbery texture. It doesn't conduct well if you perform this spell to metals, food, living objects, and stones. This spell works best to small handheld objects and the longer it is charged, the longer the effect will

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