...Psychoanalytic Approach Charris Edens PSY/250 May 13, 2014 Jorey Krawczyn There are many different types of theories and schools of thought when it comes to psychology, but the psychoanalytic theory is one of the most interesting. The psychoanalytic theory can sometimes be known to have two identities. It is a comprehensive theory that is focused on behavior, experience, human nature and motivation. It is also a treatment that is used to help patients with psychological and other problems in their lives. Some of the most influential thinkers and contributors to the modern science of psychology were Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung and Alfred Adler. Freud basically viewed the human psyche from a sexual point of view. He believed that the mind contained these three components: the id, the ego and superego. He believed that these different parts in a human's mind often conflicted with one another, which caused the shaping of that individuals personality. Two other ideas that Freud believed in was the death drive and the life drive. The life drive means that someone survives by avoiding dangerous or uncomfortable situations. The death drive is when a person pursues extreme pleasure that was thought to eventually lead to death. Both Adler and Jung believed in some basics of Freud's but branched off with their own theories and ideas. Instead of looking at it in a sexual manner, Jung believed that the human mind was more of a religious tool. He believed that dreams played a huge...
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...Our nation should definitely convert from using fossil fuels and fully change to renewable resources. Research has shown us that one day we will run out of fossil fuels……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. On the contrary, we do have plenty of sunshine, vegetation residue, heat from the earth, and lots of rushing water to replenish our energy resource supply. If we conserve what we have now, and make great use of this plentiful supply, the renewable energy resources can potentially provide us with all the electricity our nation could ever need. Global warming is a major issue that not only affects our nation, but threatens our world. Human activity accounts for more than a third of these harmful air pollutants. The production of electricity and coal burning power plants only contributes to the demise of our planet. In contrast, wind and solar power provide no threat of global warming emission. If we simply increase renewable energy supplies and replace fossil fuels, we can significantly decrease global warming. By contributing to global emissions and consistently using fossil fuels, we are also jeopardizing the health of the public. . There are a plethora of illnesses that are directly related to all the unknown substances that we breathe day to day. Coal-mines and natural gas plants have been linked to breathing problems, as well as heart and neurological damage. Replacing these harmful resources can only lead to more...
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...Strategy Formulation and Implementation MBA 980 Spring, 2009 Professor Jay Dial Office 860 Fisher Hall Email dial.12@osu.edu Phone 292-5438 Reading packet There is a required reading packet available at Uniprint-Tuttle Park that includes course readings, cases and lecture notes for classroom discussion. This is copyrighted material and each student must purchase an individual copy of the reading packet. Additional highly recommended readings will be selected from Management Skills: A Jossey-Bass Reader (ISBN # 0-7879-7341-6). It is available from both BarnesandNoble.com and Amazon.com. Course Overview This course is about the creation and maintenance of long term value for the organization. It is concerned with both the determination of the strategic direction of the firm and the management of the strategic process. The course builds on prior studies of functional areas while recognizing that most real business problems are inherently multi-functional in nature. Thus, this course employs an explicitly integrative approach in which we adopt the role of the general manager who has the responsibility for the long-term health of the entire organization. The course would be taught primarily through the case method of instruction. Course Objectives 1. Understand the nature of strategic competitiveness and develop the ability to analyze the competitive environment facing a firm, assess the attractiveness of the industry and isolate potential...
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...Question 1: (5 marks) Write a program in C++ using linked list to manage information about persons. Variables used to store information about a person are: • name - the name of a person (character string). • age - the age of a person (integer value). You should write the MyList class, which is a linked list data structure to store person information. The following functions should be included in the MyList class: • void addLast(string xName, int xAge) - check if the first letter of xName is not 'B' (i.e. xName.at(0) != 'B') then add new person with name=xName, age=xAge to the end of the list. • void addFirst(string xName, int xAge) - check if the first letter of xName is not 'B' then add new person with name=xName, age=xAge to the begining of the list. • void ftraverse(ofstream &fou) - display all nodes in the file fou in format: (name, age). This function is given. • void f1() – Test addLast function. You do not need to edit this function. Your task is to complete the function addLast(string xName, int xAge) function only. With the given data, the content of the file f1.txt must be the following:: (A0,9) (A7,13) (A5,7) (A3,11) (A4,9) (A2,12) (A6,5) (A1,6) • void f2() – Test addFirst function. You do not need to edit this function. Your task is to complete the function addFirst(string xName, int xAge) function only. With the given data, the content of the file f2.txt must be the following:: (A1,6)...
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...St. Patrick’s Day Riddles Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day? * (Real rocks are too heavy!) Why can't you iron a four-leaf clover? * (Because you shouldn't press your luck!) What do you call a fake stone in Ireland? * (A sham-rock!) What type of bow cannot be tied? * (A rain-bow!) Where can you always find gold? * (In the dictionary!) Why do frogs like St. Patrick's Day? * (Because they're already wearing green!) Why did the elephant wear green sneakers? * (Her red ones were in the wash!) What did the leprechaun do for a living? (He was a short-order cook!) St. Patrick’s Day Riddles Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day? * (Real rocks are too heavy!) Why can't you iron a four-leaf clover? * (Because you shouldn't press your luck!) What do you call a fake stone in Ireland? * (A sham-rock!) What type of bow cannot be tied? * (A rain-bow!) Where can you always find gold? * (In the dictionary!) Why do frogs like St. Patrick's Day? * (Because they're already wearing green!) Why did the elephant wear green sneakers? * (Her red ones were in the wash!) What did the leprechaun do for a living? * (He was a short-order cook!) St. Patrick’s Day Riddles Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day? * (Real rocks are too heavy!) Why can't you iron a four-leaf clover? * (Because you shouldn't press your luck!) What do you call a fake stone in Ireland? ...
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...gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg dfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg df Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg dfg d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg dfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg dfg d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg g d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg dfg d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg dfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg df Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg dfg d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg dfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg dfg d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg g d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf Fdgdfgdfgfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfdf fgdfg dfg d fdgd fgdf dfgd gdf f dggf f dfgdfg dfg dfdfdfdfdfdf...
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...Bbbbbfffffffffffffggggggggggggg Dfgdgfgdfgdfg Fdfg Dfgdfg Dfgd Dfgdfg Dfgdg Dfgdfg Dfgdfgd Dfgdf Dfgdfghtjhgkj J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J J Dfff F F F F F F F Fg G G G G G G Gg G G G G G G G G G Gg Ggg G G G G G G G G U Iyi I Yu U Uy U Y Y U Uy Yu Yu Y Yu U U U U U U U U Uu U U U U F Ghg H J Ghj H J J J J J J J F S S S S S S S S S Ss S S S S S S Ss Srrr R R R Y Y Y Y Y Fghg H Gh G H G H Gh I Jhm Hj Khj Jkhj K J Gh H J Ghj Gh Jhg J Hg Jgh Jg Hjghj Ghjg J Gh Gh Jg Hj Gh Jgh Jghjghjgh Ghjg J J J J Yy Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Yfg F Gf F F Gf Fg G Fg Fg Fg Gf Gf Fg F G F Gf Fg G Fg Gf Fg F khjkhkHey hey hey hey j j j j j j j j...
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...rgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw f w e fdgs dfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e f dgsdf g df gsfg dg adfg dfgsdf g adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Q wfw e fd gs dfg df gs fg dg adfg d fg sd fg adf r gr ga sg ll ll l l l d ad l d d l lll ll f f f I n alksksfdsdf Qwfwe fdgsd fg dfgsfg dga dfgdfgs dfg a d f r g r g as g l ll l ll l d a dld dl ll l llf ff ina lk sksfd sd f Qwf we fd gsd fg dfgs fg dgadfgdfg sdfg adfrgrgasgllllllld adlddllllll fffi nal k sks f d sdf Qw fw e fd gsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddlllll lfffina lksksf dsdf Qwf we fdgsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e fdg sdfg dfgsfg dga d fgd fg s dfg adf rgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw f w e fdgs dfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e f dgsdf g df gsfg dg adfg dfgsdf g adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Q wfw e fd gs dfg df gs fg dg adfg d fg sd fg adf r gr ga sg ll ll l l l d ad l d d l lll ll f f f I n alksksfdsdf Qwfwe fdgsd fg dfgsfg dga dfgdfgs dfg a d f r g r g as g l ll l ll l d a dld dl ll l llf ff ina lk sksfd sd f Qwf we fd gsd fg dfgs fg dgadfgdfg sdfg adfrgrgasgllllllld adlddllllll fffi nal k sks f d sdf Qw fw e fd gsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddlllll lfffina lksksf dsdf Qwf we fdgsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e fdg sdfg...
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...Sadfsdfsdfsdfsd dfgdfg dfgdfg dfg gh cx vxc xcv xc sdfsdf sdfsad sdf sdf sdf sdf xcv xcv xcv xcv xcv xcv vxc xc xcv xcv xcv xcv xcv vxc xcv vx sf sdf sdf sd sdf weweq weq weq weq we sdf dfc c c cf fc f cf fv f fc fv fv frfr frc g bgf n b f fv fv fv cfrfr gt rth h h fv df gf gf gf gf gf gf gf gf gf gf fsd sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf dffaxsda d axda Xd xd xd xd dsxa xdas dsxa dsx dx adx dsa ds asd axsxd axd xd sad sxasd xad dsx asdxa dsa jo jkl jkl jkl jkl jkl jio jiojiojio joho hpo hp p phui huu uhu huh u u ho u uh hu jk kl kl; kl; kl; kl; kl; kl; kl; huhu u ji ji ji ji huh u hu juuiuiui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui ui rwer rwe wer rerwe wer wer wer re wer were r wer wer wer wer wer wer re wer wer wer wer wer wer wer rwre sdcd cd dcs dcs dcs sdc c dcs cds cd sdc dcs dcs dc ccvx cvx v bv cv cbbc bc b b bv b b bb bvbvbv bv bv bv bv vdc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc dc sx sx ssx sx sx sx sx sx sx sx sx xs sxx ssx sx sx sx sx sx sx a sda sda sda sda sda sd sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sdf sf sdf sdf weq weq weq weq weq weq weq weq weqwe qwe q weq weqe qwwe qwe q weqwe qwe...
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