Premium Essay



Submitted By tobiowolab
Words 990
Pages 4
| | SAM Projects 2010 | | | | | | Tobiloba Owolabi, IL Word Case UD_IC1A | | | Submission #3 | | | Score is 79 out of 100 | | | | |  | 1. Verify that your name appears in the footer of the document. | |  | 2. Change the page orientation to Landscape, and change all four margins to 0.6". | |  | 3. Format the document in three columns of equal width. | |  | 4. Insert a next page section break before the heading "Catering Services". | |  | 5. On page 1, insert column breaks before the headings "Sample Tuscan Banquet Menu" and "Sample Indian Banquet Menu". | –5 |  | 6. Change the column spacing in section 1 (which is the first page) to 0.4", add lines between the columns on the first page, then center the text in the columns. | | | Text should be center aligned. | –5 |  | 7. Double-click the top margin to open the header area, create a different header and footer for the first page, then in the First Page Header -Section 1- area, type Call for custom menus designed to your taste and budget. | | | Text "Call for custom menus designed to your taste and budget" not found or contains typing error. | –5 |  | 8. Center the text in the header area, format it in 20-point Papyrus (or Comic Sans MS), bold, with the Red, Accent 2 font color, then close headers and footers. | | | No text found in header area. | –6 |  | 9. On page 2, insert a column break before "Your Name". Press [Enter] 23 times to move the contact information to the bottom of the second column. | | | Too few blank lines above contact information. | |  | 10. Replace "Your Name" with Zelma Rabin, then center the contact information in the column. | |  | 11. Insert a column break after the contact information telephone number at the bottom of the second column. In the third column, type Harvest Catering, press [Enter] 6 times, then

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