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Dialogue Essay: Tuck's Trouble-Personal Narrative

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“Hey, Max,” Tucker yelled at me, “You want to do something tonight,” He asked. “No thanks Tuck, but hey, I appreciate you staying after work with me, it really helped,” I said back to him. “No problem, anything for one of my friends,” He replied with a pleasing look on his face. “I’ll see ya round Tuck,” I told him as he left. As I drove to the local grocery store I thought to myself that I need to stop working twelve hour shifts. But I have to, ever since my wife, Victoria, died in that car accident with that drunk driver, we’ve been in debt. The judge said it was her fault, so we’ve been in debt. I own 50 grand to this guy, and I only get paid nine dollars an hour, my boss hates my guts, and my friend Tucker, has to stay with my after hours so the boss doesn’t tell me to get lost. …show more content…
I bought a lottery ticket and food for the next week, which at our grocery store, is expensive. The first thing I heard when I walked into my dump of a house was “DAD'S HOME!” My daughter and son came running from there rooms to me. Every time I almost fall on the floor. They had smiles that beamed with happiness, and I gave them a big bear hug back. “Oh… hi kids, how was school today?” They both said simultaneously, “Fine.” As I made hot dogs and mac and cheese they did there homework. My son Kenneth is in fourth grade, he is turning ten in a couple of weeks, and Clementine, is in first grade and is seven years old. They both are very studied in school and don’t have many troubles. We all ate supper that night, I tucked them into bed and watched TV. The powerball came on and since I bought that lottery ticket I continued to watched. They called the first four numbers, I got them right, then the next one came on, I got that one right

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