Differences in Associate and Bachelor Nursing Degree
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Running head: Differences in Competencies
Associate degree versus Baccalaureate degree
The purpose of this essay is to compare compentencies between the associate and bachelor nursing programs .Competency is an individuals actual performance in particular situation, described by how well the individual integrates knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviour in delivering care according to expectations(Gurvis& Grey,1995; Nolan, 1998).
The Difference between associate degree and bachelors is not much at the beginning of nursing career because at that time they have both graduated and are new in their profession and are still trying to establish themselves as a nurse and are trying to be competent in basic nursing skills. Despite the differences in both programs RNs have to appear for the same entry level exam (Nclex) . This exam tests for minimum technical competency for safe entry into basic nursing practice. A difference in competencies between ADN and BSN prepared nurses plays an important role in safety of patients and quality of care rendered. Nurse prepared with the baccalaureate and higher degrees provide better patient outcomes.(Aiken el, al, 2003) According to JCAHO (2006). Competency for nurses can be defined as “a determination of an individual skills, knowledge, and capability to meet defined expectations” (JCAHO, 2006, p.394). The differences between them is professional as well as educational preparation. ADN programs usually take two years and the BSN programs take four years . The ADN program was developed during world war II as a means to meet the shortage of nurses prompted by the war . The ADN scheme provided clinical skills so that a nurse could work in a clinical set up and do required tasks,it was all about looking after the patients and routine care, most of them did what they were told to do by the practitioners,