...Robert Kelly Holly Kopcha ENGL 2089 106 3/6/2016 Marching Band The marching band is a community all their own. They all speak to each other in a language that is all their own. It was always easy to spot someone in school who was a “band kid” because of the way they carried themselves or the way they talked or the people they associated with. Kids in the marching band hang out with each other during and outside of school. They are a community all their own with unique characteristics. The marching band has specific goals that they set for themselves as well as for the group. Individually the members of the marching band have their own goals that they need to accomplish for the ultimate goal of making the group better. Each member will practice their music at home or in the practice rooms during class in order to get better at memorizing and accenting their music. They do this to help the group sound better when they are at competition. Band member also have a goal to memorize their drill sheets. This helps them to where they are supposed to be on the field at a certain time. Doing this helps the group look more unified in their formations. The group’s goals are to perform well at competitions and ultimately win a trophy for their school. To obtain this goal the group will practice for 2-4 days a week. Depending on the day or what needs work they will either work on drill or their music. Drill is the position in which the person should be in a specific time during...
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...So what is a discourse community? When you google discourse community, you read, “It is a group of people sharing a common goal using communication to reach that common goal.”Getting more into detail what exactly is a discourse community, we have John Swales’ academic essay, ‘The Concept of Discourse Community’, which breaks it down into six characteristics: “1. A discourse community has a broadly agreed set of common public goals. 2. A discourse community has mechanisms of intercommunication among its members. 3. A discourse community uses its participatory mechanisms primarily to provide information and feedback. 4. A discourse community utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims. 5. In addition...
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...2018 Dr. Gail York ASU English Department Boone, NC 28608 Dear Dr. York, The discourse communities that I chose to focus on in my paper were my involvement in Appalachian State’s Student Government Association (SGA) and my membership in Appalachian State’s Honors College. One of my main successes writing this paper was deciding on the two best discourse communities to use. SGA and the Honors College proved to be obvious choices due to amount of time I spend attending meetings for SGA and studying to stay in good academic standing with the Honors College. Another one of the successes that I had while writing this paper was reflecting on the “so what” component of my literacy in my discourse communities....
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...There is a community called OU cousins which consists in helping international students being engaged in the United States and developing friendship. In order to deeply analyze this community as a discourse community, two interviews as well as observations were conducted. According to James Paul Gee’s definition of Discourse community, Gee is a researcher at Arizona State University who defines discourse community as being the different ways people integrate and combine language, interactions, actions, and ways people think, value, and believe (Gee, p.441), OU Cousins is considered as discourse community. To begin, it is important to know specifically the purpose of the community and how this works. This program was created in 1996 by President...
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...Now when reading thru the “Concept of a discourse community “ I found it a very difficult piece to write about. Really just reading thru it I found myself having to go back over it many times. So for this paper we were soppose to analize a part of the writing. So I decided to go over thse 6 chartestics that swalles talked about. Like I said swales came up with a set of guidelines that a discourse community has to meet to be actulla considered as a discourse community. The six characteristics that are to be included in a discourse community are common goals, participatory mechanisms, information exchange, community specific genre’s, a highly specialized terminology and a high general level of expertise (Swales, John. "The Concept of Discourse Community." (1990): 119-28. Print.)....
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...Awnalisa Walker Discourse Community The ability to communicate effectively is important in many aspects of live. From social lives to professional lives, conveying information within groups of people or communities serves several purposes. The different groups one communicates with to achieve these goals are called discourse communities. In a discourse community, the communication between its members is vital because it causes them to have shared knowledge and similar interests. Due to the different communities having distinct interests, the way they converse can be altered to best suit each group. For example, a group of doctors would talk about medical subjects unlike sport fans would talk about a sport. I am a mechanical engineering student and therefore identify with the engineering discourse community. In this field, the community use different platforms of communication to reach its members. The internet is an effective way of communicating with engineers and the website Engineering.com is a useful resource to share information. Engineering.com is a site used by engineering professionals or companies to communicate ideas and information with other people in the engineering community. I came across this website while searching for engineering websites on the internet. I would expect other people to find this site by the same means I did. What drew me into the site was what was said in the ‘About Us’ section. The site prides itself on bringing, “…the most influential...
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...What would you say is Swales’ overall thesis for this article? What is he trying to prove? I believe Swale's overall thesis is that, the current definition for discourse community is vague and suggestive; centered around some main ideas but is still not well defined. I believe he is trying to prove that a specific set of characteristics must be present in order to define a discourse community. What discourse communities do you belong to professionally and personally? What discourse community do you hope to belong to in a future profession? Name at least one from each category. Professionally, I belong to the retail discourse community because I am currently working at Victoria's Secret. Personally, I belong to the discourse community of business...
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...To maintain order in a community, one must adapt to the way of life in that community. In this sample discourse community analysis, the author speaks about joining the band community, and what kind of things he/she had to adapt to, and learn in order to successfully be part of said community. The author begins to build his/her credibility by effectively using the following strategies: diction, point of view, and tone. With the use of these devices, the author is able to appeal to their classmates on a more personal rather than professional level. In this essay, the author talks about having to learn about “the pyramid of sound,” which he/she states is very important in the band community. When describing the importance of this skill, the...
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...I am a part of a very specific and individualized discourse community of people who learn and play the fantasy role playing game Dungeons and Dragons. This game is a worldwide phenomenon, with players spanning the entire globe, so intern, the discourse community is very unique in being so widespread. I personally play with a select few members from my family, as well as close family friends, adding myself to a sub-discourse community. The foundation for Dungeons and Dragons, or D&D, is storytelling. Your characters step into a realm unlike your own and create their story, one dice roll at a time. There are many values that remain upheld in this discourse community. The rules are expected to be followed at all times, and although it doesn't...
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...are many people who belong to more than one discourse community. Discourse communities are groups of people that use communication to achieve certain goals or purposes. A purpose, genre, vocabulary, convention, membership and an audience are essential for writing professionally in any discourse community. Every community is different from each other as well as essential for writing. The language or vocabulary that we use in a discourse community differs from others and that’s because every community has a different way to communicate. Every single individual on Earth belongs to at least one discourse community. The most important community for many people including myself would have to be the Family discourse community. Family discourse communities are very different from each other as their vocabulary, language and many other things vary. Family discourse communities are very exclusive and in order to be part of one you must be born, married or adopted into this community. There are two ways to communicate within this community, the first one is formal Spanish and English and the second one is informal Spanish and English. Formal vocabulary is used with the elders such as grandparents and informal vocabulary is used with your cousins, parents and uncles. The conversations within...
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...this group is to encourage a deeper in their relationship with God, there are so many other goals such as meeting new people and places, encouraging and building relationships between it's members, and having fun. In research, four elements of Nations United were interviewed in order to examine it as a discourse community, and how it uses social media such as whatsapp,...
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...I believe that my discourse community helped with picking a topic before writing and researching for this annotated bibliography. My previous education never prepared me for writing an annotated bibliography. However, I feel my professor made this process very difficult and unrealistic in developing writing skills for this assignment. I thought some assignments were a bit pointless, they required a lot on my part to stay focus with the course lessons or withdrawal from the class. After applying the rules of a discourse community help me to identify my topic’s discourse community for my research, I felt stronger towards my opinion because the topic was interesting and related to my career field. However, I learned the importance strategies for...
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...In this article, I will be introducing what a discourse community is and how I’m a part of one. A discourse community is a group of people who share common interest and common goals. In the article, we have been reading over the past couple of weeks John swales stated “A speech community typically inherits its membership by birth, accident or adoption; a discourse community recruits its members by persuasion, training or relevant qualification”. (Swales, 220). Swales also defines discourse community as a group that have goals or purposes, and use communication to achieve these goals. A discourse community consist of a genre, intercommunication, and lexis. In a discourse community Members of a discourse community generally communicate to provide information and feedback to one another and discourse communities need at least one genre of communication intended to further their goals. The discourse community I feel I belong to is the track community. In the track community, I belong to we show every aspect of being a discourse community. Throughout the rest of my essay I will show how I belong to...
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...Connor Sikes Instructor: Liz Edsen English 1300- 002 25th, September 2013 Discourse Community (Musician) "Its a great thing about being a musician; you don't stop until the day you die, you can improve. So its a wonderful thing to do"(Marcus Miller). When I became a musician, a quote like this ran through my mind like a spinning record. It still amazes me how even after eight years I still have so much to learn down the road. Being a musician has really enlightened me with the motivation to put the effort in making and playing great music with others or by myself. Music is a form of expression in which many emotions can be shown from happiness, depression or rage. Music gives people the chance to express themselves without using words of their own and instead through emotional music or just simply a great song they love. Musicians without question successfully manifest Swale's characteristics of a discourse community. When it comes to musicians, setting goals is the first step to achieving success. If musicians don't know exactly where they want to go, then how can they know which paths will lead them there? Music has been alive since the beginning of time basically. Mankind in general used many forms of sound like rocks in the stone age, medieval times used wind instruments like flutes or a recorders, and the renaissance era used string instruments such as Violins or Piccolos . Music has many types of genres to this day from jazz, rock, country, classical, and many more...
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...A discourse community is a group of people that have common goals and have impacted throughout your life. A group that have a culture of sharing certain information within all the members by communicating and discussing. A discourse community is made up by communicating and sharing the information’s with each other to attain the goals. It will never become discourse community if they do not have an ability to communicate along within members. Everyone belongs to some discourse community whether they may have not realized it yet that they are part of their everyday life. These discourse communities are the part of a life that have certain impact in life such as a community like your friends, families, or programs or a team you involved. A discourse...
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