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Diseconomy of Scale


Submitted By THITIPAPA
Words 564
Pages 3
Firstly, the most important factor for external economies of scale is having a large number of good skilled local labour supply which makes an industry more efficient as other local companies in the industry also train workers. It leads a bigger and more flexible labour market in that area.
Secondly, a factor of external economies of scale is firms located in certain areas where can benefit from good infrastructure such as good transportation network, a motorway or an airport. It will affect to decrease in costs for a company working within that area.
Furthermore, having a large number of suppliers to choose from economies of scale. Firms will easily bargain with a range of suppliers if firms locate near to lots of suppliers. It tends to reduce cost and increase the quality of materials.
The business can grow internally by getting bigger or they can grow externally by taking over or merging with another business. Sometimes when businesses grow they become more inefficient and costs per unit begin to increase. There are three main problems of diseconomy of scale.
On the other hand, diseconomy of scale can be caused by poor employee motivation. Gregson et al(2009:134) argues that it can be hard to motivate people in a big business but in a small firm they are close contract between managers and staffs. Therefore, staffs may feel isolated, lack the feedback and there is no point to what they are doing. Poorly motivated staff do not work as hard and absenteeism increases. This mean that output per worker will decrease and labour cost per unit will increase to employ more staff.
Moreover,the problem which also influences on diseconomies of scale is poor managerial coordination. It is important to keep all departments working towards the same objectives. As the firm gets bigger there is a large number of staff and processes. This may become too much for one person and they may need to delegate some of the tasks. If this is not well coördinated some managers may be trying to achieve different aims than others (Marcouse et al ,2011:443).
In addition to diseconomy of scale, communication can be a significant problem when a company grows. There could be problems with getting the same message across the world organisation if the business has poor communication systems. More levels of management mean that there are more opportunities for misunderstandings (Marcouse et al ,2011:443). This links into poor motivation.

In conclusion, this essay has analysed the diseconomies and economies of scale. Large firms are usually more efficient than small firms because they can gain both from internal and external economies of scale. Managerial, technical, financial, marketing and purchasing are internal economies of scale. In externally, if firms have good infrastructure, a lot of supplier and skilled labour, they will have cost saving. However, firms can become too large and suffer from diseconomies of scale. They are caused by poor motivation, poor coordination and poor communication. A conclusion can be drawn that the growth of business is to ensure that the economies outweigh the diseconomies. It cannot assume that growth is a good thing for a business. Firm needs to be aware of the dangers of becoming too big. Growth also needs to be carefully managed and an understanding of the relationship between growth and costs is a significant element in that management.

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