Waste is a problem in America today. The amount of waste produced by the average American consumer is unacceptable. The unsustainability of America's current wasteful habits will not only harm to ecosystem but people as well. Average American consumers must understand their wasteful habits. It is important that American consumers manage their waste to make society more sustainable.
The first contributing factor to the problem is that waste is so easy produce and even easier to ignore. When taking out the trash, it seems like a chore. I have to get into the habit of taking out the garbage twice a day and out to the curb once a week. I realized when one gets into the habit of getting rid of things on a regular basis you don't really understand how much you're getting rid of. So I decided to do a little experiment. I would try keeping the non-compostable waste that only I produced in the back seat of my car to see how much of an impact I was making towards the weekly garbage dumps. I figured it would take about a week for the garbage to pile up to unacceptable levels, but I was wrong. After only two days the trash was spilling out when I opened the car door, and that's when I first realized how unsustainable our current consumer society has become. My car experiment was simply a small scale version of any Americans waste footprint. Americans get so accustom the convenience of throwing things away that they cannot realize how much waste they are actually producing.
The second contributing factor to the problem is that America has become a disposable society. What that means is that because there is an abundance of products available to the consumer, the consumer can then imply the abundance to mean that there is no need to keep things when they can simply throw them away and buy another. People used to fix things when they broke, but now after seeing so many bigger