...Thomas McPhee Mr.O’Donnell Psych I Period 2 12/18/15 Term Paper Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in—and alternately take control of—an individual. The person also experiences memory loss that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness. DID is a disorder characterized by identity fragmentation rather than a proliferation of separate personalities. The disturbance is not due to the direct psychological effects of a substance or of a general medical condition, yet as this once rarely reported disorder has become more common, the diagnosis has become controversial. Some believe that because DID...
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...Introduction: One of the most controversial psychiatric disorders; Dissociative identity disorder is a rare chronic condition, and is considered controversial due to the likely comorbidity with other mental conditions making diagnosis and treatment difficult. Formerly known as multiple personality disorder, dissociative identity disorder is one of a cluster of dissociative disorders. The dissociative disorders are a group of psychiatric conditions characterized by individuals experiencing an alteration of memory, consciousness, or identity for no natural reason. Individuals experience this escape from reality in ways that are involuntary and unhealthy causing problems with functioning in everyday life (Mayo Clinic, 2017). History: The...
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...In today’s society, it feels like anything could be turned into a meme, especially people’s mental illnesses. There seems to be a meme where the girlfriend tells her boyfriend to pick which “girl” he wanted that day, and her different moods equaled which “girl” she was going to be. This meme is trying to convey the idea that is dissociative identity disorder in its simple form. However, I do agree that people tend to behave differently base on the situation and who they are around. However, I do not agree with this meme saying that people can decide which personality they want to have a certain day. It seems that people tend to be confused what exactly it means to have dissociative identity disorder. I am going to inform you what the symptoms...
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...Dissociative identity disorder is a condition to where a person has had a split in themselves that has caused one or more personalities to come forth. Doctors have hypothesized that by experiencing traumatic events in early childhood whether it’s physical, sexual, or mental abuse; even witnessing a murder or experiencing a great loss in life can trigger multiple personalities. When an individual develops the dissociative identity disorder, it can cause shifts in relationships with both friends and family. Dr. Cornelia Wilbur had a patient in the 60s, Shirley Mason, also known as Sybil Dorsett, who had sixteen split personalities. Sybil showed through countless therapy sessions her different personalities. Allen Frances, M.D., does not believe...
Words: 1966 - Pages: 8
...Dissociative Identity Disorder What Is This Disorder Many personality disorders can come from child abuse, one of the more complex disorders is Dissociative Identity Disorder. “Dissociative identity disorder, formerly referred to as multiple personality disorder, is a condition wherein a person's identity is fragmented into two or more distinct personality states. People with this rare condition are often victims of severe abuse.” ( Psychology today 2017). This disorder starts off just as dissociation, which is the separation of normally related mental processes, resulting in one mental process functioning independently from the rest. “The different personality states usually have distinct names, identities, temperament, and self-image....
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...Dissociative Identity Disorder The diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder has long been a controversial topic. (American Psychological Association Dictionary of Psychology 2015) It is my belief that things are sometimes controversial because they make others uncomfortable. This discomfort, in my opinion, can lead to false information, denial, fear and dismissal. I have never been someone who runs from discomfort. I try to embrace and understand it. This is what I have tried to do here with the research on dissociative identity disorder. There are a few reasons that this topic is of interest to me. First, trauma is prevalent in our country. It is a constant topic in my education, practicum and in the media. We discuss trauma informed...
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...Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), or Multiple Personality Disorder, is a mental illness that happens in 0.01 to 1 percent of the population. According to the article, “Dissociative Identity Disorder” DID is described as, “a severe condition in which two or more distinct identities, or personality states, are present in- and alternately take control of- an individual” (Dissociative Identity Disorder). The cause of DID is somewhat unknown, but there is evidence that the cause has to do with severe physical and sexual abuse in childhood. The repeated abuse causes the person to separate their feelings, thoughts, and memories linked to their disturbing experience from the usual level of conscious attentiveness in order to cope with the extreme...
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...Understanding every aspect of mental health is an overwhelming process that may not be possible, even for the most intelligent and well known psychiatrist. Most individuals shy away from understanding psychological disorders because of the stigma that surrounds them. Some disorders like anxiety and depression are swept under the rug while disorders like schizophrenia and dissociative identity disorder are seen as dangerous. It is important to fully understand a mental illness and one illness that individual’s seem to lack knowledge of is dissociative identity disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as just DID, is a dissociative disorder where people may “adopt as many as 100 new identifies, all simultaneously coexisting,...
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...Dissociative disorders are characterized by an involuntary escape from reality characterized by a disconnection between thoughts, identity, consciousness and memory. About 2% of individuals that are tested or this illness are diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder and it is thought to be a very rare disease. People from all age groups and racial, ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds can experience a dissociative disorder. Dissociative identity disorder has many heartbreaking symptoms, treatments, and controversy that affect these men and women with this disease for the rest of their lives. Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a critical disorder in which two or possibly more personalities, or identities, are present and alternately...
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...December 4, 2017 Core and Alter Par.1 intro: Do you ever read a whole paragraph in a book and realize you do not remember anything you just read? What about watching a television show and you just zone-out and are unable to recall what you just saw? This is similar to Dissociative Identity Disorder (abbreviated as DID). The difference between the little instances where we get distracted and the disorder is it happens all the time for the people with the disorder, but someone else takes over. The core creator of the rare Dissociative Identity Disorder is severe trauma, producing alter selves (multiple identities) from each person, dissociative amnesia, and a difficult life, with little treatment....
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...Dissociative Identity Disorder is when some one has more than one personality. And you never really know when one will come out. Anyone can get DID but females are more likely. Dissociative Identity Disorder is a strange disorder that is sad to see why people get D.I.D., things that can happen if you get D.I.D., and stories of people who have D.I.D. If you get DID you usually have some history of trauma. This can include sever physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It can also be from things like accidents, natural disasters, and war (Cleveland Clinic 1). All of those things can factor in developing DID over time. Another factor in developing DID can be losing a parent or being isolated for long periods of time (Cleveland Clinic 1). When...
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...Roleplaying and Dissociative Identity Disorder Roleplaying is mainly used as a noun and defined as the acting out of a behavioral role or assumed character (“Roleplaying”, 2013). Note that the researcher will use the term roleplaying for faking dissociative identity disorder in the paper. Roleplaying is done with the assumption of any role you want by acting like it. If people fake and act like they have many personalities or having dissociative identity disorder, there can be a proven assumption that they are just like roleplaying. Notice that roleplaying is acting out a personal or behavioral role. Dissociative Identity disorder is sometimes being faked by some people to gain attention and greed desire for love. It is mainly one of the...
Words: 1117 - Pages: 5
...The Many Faces of Dissociative Identity Disorder Abstract This research paper aims to explore the mental disease known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder. I explore the meaning, symptoms, and effects of DID. My research describes those diagnosed with DID and the probable reasons of why they have the disorder. This study also explains the many different treatments and the effects those treatments might have on a person that has the disorder. I include a research study done on someone diagnosed with DID, the method used to help treat her, and the results of her treatment. Lastly, I state my opinion on DID and the methods I believe with help people prevent, treat, and cope with Dissociative Identity Disorder. The Many Faces of Dissociative Identity Disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is a mental condition where a person possesses two or more different personalities which may alternate within the individual’s conscious awareness. A person living with DID many have as little as two personalities, referred to as alters, or as many as 100, though the average is about ten. Alters may exhibit differences in speech, behaviors, attitudes, thoughts, and gender orientation. They may even have physical differences, such as allergies, right-or-left handedness, or the need for eyeglass prescriptions. At least two of these personalities assert themselves repeatedly to...
Words: 1849 - Pages: 8
...Dissociative Identity Disorder Porsha Castillo Belhaven University ABSTRACT This paper will focus on the mental disorder Dissociative Identity Disorder. It will follow the case study of JANE. The paper will include the hisroty of the disorder as well as treatment, and current research of the disorder. Dissociative Identity Disorder Rebecca, a 14 year old girl, presented to a hospital by her mother with a complaint of ‘behaving like a male’ for past 2 weeks. She was identifying herself as Mr. S. and dressed herself like a male. She was not recognizing her neighbors, relatives, or teachers anymore and her belongings as well. She was not able to recount her personal information either. Her mother also reported a significant and contrasting change in her behavior, like she had become stubborn, confident, outgoing and demanding during this period in contrast to her normal behavior. She developed interest in drawing and painting, would demand different types of fast food items, dresses, and certain objects in the altered state. Her mother fearing worsening of her illness readily fulfilled these demands. Rebecca stopped going to school and would stay at home all day long. Upon exploration, it was found that about 2 years back, her father and older sister had left the house to live separately from Rebecca and her mother. There was a strained relationship among the parents on the issue of not having a son. Since separation, there was no communication with them. Rebecca was...
Words: 2149 - Pages: 9
...The topic of Dissociative Identity Disorder was chosen because there are many misconceptions surrounding the disorder which spread through media and film. Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is commonly mistaken as a multiple personality disorder. In reality it is a detachment of an individual’s identity. Dissociative identity surpasses the classification of coping mechanism toward the realm of disorder. According to Dr. David Spiegel, Associate Chair of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences, dissociative disorder “...involves a lack of connection among a person’s sense of identity, memory and consciousness...” (Spiegel, "Expert Q & A: Dissociative Disorders"). Thus, an individual enduring DID tends to undergo a detachment from reality and have...
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