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Distinction Between Relativism And Objective Morality

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Introduction The phrase “it’s all relative” is rapidly becoming the mantra of many Americans’ worldview, and is no longer just a cultural idiom used to express a difference of opinion. Within a society enthralled by self-satisfaction—seeking to propagate political correctness, tolerance, and an increasing rejection of authority—the concept of subjective truth is preferable to the narrow framework of objective morality. Rather than seeking absolute truth, information that accurately corresponds with reality, many are content reducing the essence of truth to a matter of personal preference. Unfortunately, this dangerous and deceptive philosophy has crept into every facet of the human experience in America, and the spirit of relativism has even infiltrated the Christian Church, an institution founded upon the doctrine of absolute truth and objective morality. This essay will explore the fundamental principles of relativism/subjectivism, showing the philosophy to be logically inconsistent, while demonstrating its incompatibility with Christianity.
A Definition of Terms Before conducting a systematic analysis of relativism, a distinction between …show more content…
Since the statement refers to an external truth, disputing parties can examine the object in question to adjudicate between conflicting opinions. If the truth-claim accurately corresponds with external reality, then the statement is objectively true. Conversely, if the statement fails to harmonize with reality, the statement is objectively false (regardless of the observer’s opinion). Similarly, an individual may maintain a worldview based on subjective criteria (i.e. it is psychologically preferred over alternatives) even though the worldview is objectively false (i.e. it does not accurately represent reality). Relativism is one such worldview, psychologically appealing to many, yet unable to withstand impartial

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