...CHANGE AND WHY WE NEED IT Pastor Bill Purvis Of Cascade Hills Church has a favorite saying: Change is Inevitable; but Growth is Optional Growth is the result of a Positive Outlook to CHANGE If you are not changing, you are not growing. Charles Darwin said: It is not the strongest of the species that survive, or the most intelligent, BUT the one most responsive to change: When something is inevitable your best bet is to: 1. Prepare for it 2. Adapt to it 3. Don’t be surprised by the next by always looking for it. Live a Life Of Expectancy…..expecting change. Dr. Spencer Johnson, #1 Best Seller of the Book “Who Moved My Cheese?” said Noticing small changes early helps you adapt to the bigger changes that are to come. If you don’t change your will become extinct: E.g.…is like Block Buster Video and Movie Gallery….with the event of RED BOX $1.00 There are no more Movie Galleries and Block Buster’s around why….change in movie rental industry. Lets establish here that GOD does not need to change, we do. And in fact he said “I am The LORD and I Change NOT” So if change is inevitable then we don’t have a choice but to change. Change What? LIFE: by that we talking Experience, Life Experiences The SUM total of your life now is made up of your experiences and the decisions you have made in the past. If you notice, it’s really how well you adapted to life’s changes determined your success today. If you change your life you change your experience and Vice Versa...
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...Which of these six myths do you agree with most? Why? Myth one is that ignorance is a solvable problem that is escapable by the human race. Myth two is that enough knowledge and technology can manage planet earth, it can help change the way we do things each day and change the way us humans affect the earth. Myth three is that knowledge about the problem is increasing. Myth four is that higher education can rebuilt the earth, and rebuild the damages that we have caused to the earth. Myth five is we educate children for more success and mobility only; we are not really preparing them for the problems they will be facing in the future. Finally, myth six states that culture is what represents all human achievements. The myth I agree most with would be hat ignorance is a solvable problem. A lot of people have no idea how we can fix the earth and how simple changes in our life can slowly help. The ignorance people just need to be educated on how they can change and what they are doing now, affects the earth. 2. What is Orr’s reasoning for saying, “all education is environmental education?” Orr is saying that all education is environmental education because students today are taught that we are part of the earth and that whatever we do each and everyday, can affect it in the long run. In schools around the world today, there are more economical classes teaching about the changes in the economy, there are classes about what we can do to change the way we use our resources. Children...
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...This event was a common reading and the speaker was Bryan Stevenson discussing his book Just Mercy. One of Bryan’s main points was that we do not talk about how we can change the world and it is important that we do because there are a lot of problems and we need people to change that. However, in order to change the world, we has to be proximate because without it we do not understand and in order to, we have to get closer to the issue. We have to do things we are not supposed to because proximity is power and that power can encourage someone to help another person. The problem that causes people not to be proximate is behind narration and we need to change that because if we do not, people will continue to be angry and have fear. In the US...
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...TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT NEEDS APPROACH TO IDENTIFICATION A TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Needs Assessment is a systematic exploration of the way things are and the way they should be. These "things" are usually associated with organizational and/or individual performance . WHY design and conduct a Needs Assessment? We need to consider the benefits of any Human Resource Development (HRD) intervention before we just go and do it: * What learning will be accomplished? * What changes in behavior and performance are expected? * Will we get them? * What are the expected economic costs and benefits of any projected solutions? We are often in too much of a hurry. We implement a solution, sometimes but not always the correct intervention. But we plan, very carefully and cautiously, before making most other investments in process changes and in capital and operating expenditures. We need to do the same for Human Resource Development. The largest expense for HRD programs, by far, is attributable to the time spent by the participants in training programs, career development, and/or organization development activities. ==================================================================== METHODS OF TRAINING NEEDS IDENTIFICATION In addition to -PERFORMANACE APPRAISAL there are other methods like -ONE TO ONE INTERVIEWS [ in person / by telephone] [ one to one information gathering] -FOCUS GROUPS [meetings of individuals...
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...McFarland Alyese Professor Joellen Hiltbrand English 221-0850 September 11, 2015 Essay one: Climate Change Climate change is a sensitive topic here in the United States. People are very stubborn when it comes to their own ideas and beliefs on a topic. Some people believe climate change doesn’t exist, some believe it isn’t that bad, and others blame clime change on the government. Even though people have their own ideas on climate issues, change is happening and we need to do something about it to help ourselves, and our future generations. Climate change has risen from the greenhouse effect, and it is a worldwide problem. There are many ways to help with the climate change, and there are things everyone can do to help. There needs to be major changes implemented in terms of dealing with the climate change. We need a proactive leader to get the public educated on climate change, we need adaptive and preventative measures set up for climate change, all major parties in our government to work together to come to a conclusion on climate change policies, and we need to reform the United Nations to help the world deal with the climate change. The first step in dealing with the climate change is having a proactive leader who will use strategic leadership skills to enlist change among the nation, and the world. We need a person who can help encourage the people to change. Mike Zajko states in the article, The Shifting Politics of Climate Science, “the public stands to benefit from...
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...for customers. Environment is good automatically we will get more customers. E.g., now these days every parents are going out with their kids, if we made shopping mall with kids paly ground with baby sitters then customers will feel better , because they are not worrying about their kids they can spend...
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...Successful Change Management — Kotter’s 8-Step Change In 1996 John Kotter wrote Leading Change* which looked at what people did to transform their organisations. Kotter introduced an 8-step change model for helping managers deal with transformational change. This is summarised in Kotter’s 8-step change model. For The Heart of Change* (2002) John Kotter worked with Dan Cohen to look into the core problems people face when leading change. They concluded that the central issue was changing the behaviour of people and that successful change occurs when speaking to people’s feelings. In this article Martin Webster explains how Kotter’s 8-step change model gets to the heart of how successful organisational change actually happens and answers the question “how do you go beyond simply getting your message across to truly changing people’s behaviour?” You’ll also learn how The Heart of Change can alter the way organisations and leaders approach change management. Since this guide covers a lot of ground and is a long read (3,000 words) you may want to check out the table of contents below for some quick jumping around. And if you want to read more high quality articles please sign up for email updates and never miss another post. Want to read something shorter? Visit our related post: The Heart of Change. Or download the ebook of this article from our member resources section. Table of Contents * Successful Change Management * Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model for Leading...
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...Live the joy of change Introduction Taking the decision of studying abroad implies leaving your family, your friends, and adapting yourself to a new culture and to a new city; but in the end you will live the joy of your new life with new friends, more knowledge, and probably you will get the job of your dreams, or whatever your first purpose of changing was. When we think on change sometimes we think that it must be something painful, and it can be, but we need to learn to postpone our rewards. Change means sacrifice some things to get others even better. And as I already said, although the process of change can be painful and frustrating, the reward can be bigger than this pain. Starting the change is just a matter learning where you must start; people can change their lives if they dare leaving their comfort zone, creating a dream and taking action. I. Create a dream Creating a dream is the first step to start changing your life, and this means that you need to set your first goals. Bird (2012) uses the term 3% to mean that you need set a little goal. He recommends setting a goal that you feel comfortable with, and that you are completely sure you can achieve. In other words, you need little dreams to star your change and then the change will get bigger and bigger as you go on, because if you want to succeed in change realism is an important point; for example, if your goal is to become a CEO of a company, but you have no experience, this goal might not be realistic, or...
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...A Time for Change Having the ability and desire to change in todays every changing culture is a necessity in order for any organization to be able to sustain growth. Change can occur on a large scale such as a complete makeover for an organization or it can form on a small scale such as employees within the organization. This paper will diagnose and devise a plan to create change within the organization of JCP. The change will be devised by using Kotters 8 Step Change process to change the overall staffing of JCP. JCP is a large chain retail store that was started in 1902 by James Cash Penney under the name Golden Rule Store. Mr. Penney beliefs were “to make money and build a business through serving the community with fair and honest value”, (New York: Harper, 1950). Mr. Penney’s business plan was to start out small, locate in an inexpensive small community, take cash only for his merchandise, and to provide the merchandise that the consumers wanted at a fair price. In a speech Mr. Penney gave to his associates the night before the opening of his first store, he spoke of his morals and values and how he visualized his store to be operated, a vision that will carry through throughout the years. “My talk to you this evening is to be very brief and very much to the point. The name of our store is "The Golden Rule Stores." The policy upon which we expect to build is just what the name implies. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I think I need say no more, because...
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...on the environment and threatens some species in the world. In the specially, sea turtles which is the oldest species in live in the world so we need to find solutions to protect this specie. There are three reasons for this argument. The first is that we need to find solutions to decrease global warming. The second is that we need to decrease the pollution due to human. Finally, protect the sea turtle of human and predators. Sea Turtles threatened with extinction A lot of species are endangered because of global warming and more specifically the Sea turtle, which is the oldest species known in the world (Velaquez-Manoff 2007); it lived during the dinosaurs. Now the change of the climate threatens these species, and if we don’t do something in a hurry, this species will disappear. The increasing temperature (more than 2 degrees these last years) have an impact directly on the turtle’s eggs (Velaquez-Manoff 2007, Brahic 2007). The problem is that more females than males are born; that means the future will be difficult for reproduction. According to WWF (2007), it’s not only the future population which is in peril, because there is also habitat loss and degradation, pollution, disease because of human and marine pollution, and natural predators. As Bhattacharya (2007) said, we need to do something and we can already cut emissions of greenhouse gases, employ new energy efficient technology and use strategies to sequester carbon dioxide from atmosphere...
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...understanding what we want to change. The first step for change is understanding what we needs to be changed. The key to succed in any situation is setting our goals. For changing our attitude, we need to do be honest and do self-evaluation so that we can point out which of our traits need to be changed or improved. 2. Looking for a role model and follow them. By finding someone who has the kind of attitude that we want to have, and let his or her life give us inspiration and encouragement to move beyond our temporary failures in our journey towards becoming a better person. 3. Think about how our attitude change will affect our life. To be able to compete through all the difficulties that lie ahead of us in our journey towards self betterment, we need to figure out exactly what this imaginary change could bring to our life. Will changing our attitude mean a happier family or social life? Will a change in our attitude mean a more successful career or business? We need to fix our mind on the things that would come as a result of our attitude change and we will have a greater chance of reaching to our goal. 4. Choose the right company. There is a saying that “Bad Company damages good character.” We don’t expect our self to be able to change if we go on surrounding our self with people who possess all the negative traits that we want to change. Consider befriending new people, especially those who are optimistic and have a healthy attitude towards life. We will see that our...
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...Mean to Manage Change? Learning Objectives By the end of this chapter, you should be able to: • • focus • • • • Describe what it means to manage change. Exhibit a proactive approach to managing change. Identify five types of change. Exhibit a change readiness mind-set. Describe the six change management competencies. Create a performance improvement plan. Change in business, as in life, is inevitable, and the amount, pace, and complexity of change are accelerating at an ever-increasing rate. Thus, whether it is called reengineering, culture change, global execution, or mergers and acquisitions, there is more organizational change to contend with than ever before. Change also impacts our personal lives. We change jobs; our children leave home; and sometimes we move across the country. Thus, the period in which we are living is one in which change is the norm. What does this mean for you? Today, the responsibility for managing change is part of your job description. In fact, everyone in a leadership role must take on the challenge of helping his or her organization change in a way that ensures its future viability and competitiveness. More than anything else, managers who successfully play the role of change agent realize they can no longer approach change in the oldfashioned way, assuming that someone else will take responsibility for managing change. Kevin is an example of how today’s managers need to think about their change leadership role...
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...Competition II Professor Lauren Higgins April 29, 2013 CAUSE AND EFFECT 1 Reality television has evolved over the past sixty years. They have went from clean practical jokes to a portrayal of an American family to how to party, lie and deceive. The more the focus is on partying, drugs, sex, vulgarerness, the more our young people will portray these traits. There needs to be more focus on good wholesome clean fun, that keeps the youth safe and healthy. The way to change the way our society is headed is to stop the programing that is hurting all of us. Reality shows of today teaches the youth that its alright to disobey their parents, its alright to party, do drugs, have sex with multiple people, get pregnant, and that the guys that don't have to stay around or take care of the situation they helped put the girl in. The cause and effects of today's reality shows far out weigh the advantages they have. Its hard to believe that reality shows have been around for almost sixty years. The very first reality show was produced and aired in 1954, the show is Candid Camera. It was innocent practical jokes on unsuspecting strangers on the streets. The reactions were funny and the jokes were tasteful and clean. The next show is where our reality shows stem...
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...Risistance to change MGT/426 September 9, 2014 Heidi Roberts Change is a expected process, it occurs every day whether it is accepted or not. External and internal factors can create a need for change these include but not limited to: competition, technology, the need for growth, improve processes, and governmental regulations. This paper we will take a look at resistance to change and what can be done to combat the resistance while still allowing employees to express their ideas and individualism. Let us take a look at Lewin's model of change, if put into practice and used it will make changing easier. Also we will look at the two types of resistance, organizational and individual resistance, and what the main causes of that resistance is. I will use Kraft as an example of complete resistance due to lack of commitment from management. When people are asked to change there is resistance, which is a natural reaction because change is uncomfortable and requires new and different types of thinking and operating. Most people would rather stick to the known instead of reaching out and taking a risk with the unknown, even if the known has proven not to work or is detrimental to the health of the organization (Heathfield). The Kraft company has a resistance to change on the management side, most of the employees are all for a change, a consensus on what changes are needed, in most employees eyes it is the management team or more precisely the plant manager that needs to be changed...
Words: 1610 - Pages: 7
...gov/about/landing.jhtml http://www.nea.org/home/40991.htm John P. Kotter (1996). Leading Change. Harvard Business Review Press; 1st edition http://www.kotterinternational.com - See more at: http://www.relationsandmore.com/kotters-8-step-change-model.html#sthash.rjg9E4N1.dpuf Almost everyone that reads this will have graduated from a long-established high school where we went to an old-style building five days a week and learned from the quintessential school teachers that no doubt fill at least one stereotype. Traditional classrooms that are part of these brick-and-mortar schools are no longer competitive and vital to the learning process. Instead, students now pay most attention to the information they get off the internet. Sites like Wiki and Facebook have figured out the formula to keeping our young people’s attention. Why should we as tax payers continue to supplement this dying form of education when the answers can be found by researching the success of the online college education system and the top ranked education countries around the world? While on vacation in Phoenix I noticed TV commercials toting an online education that the state sponsors. I could not believe that I was hearing this, state sanctioned home schooling. Let’s think outside the box for a moment. Think of the savings we could make with rethinking the way we teach our students. I am a firm believer that all students need to go to school to learn how to get along socially and learn how to deal with...
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