P3, M2
1. Pulse Rate
It’s the rate per minutes at which your heart beat. It can be felt wherever an artery crosses a bone such as the wrist, the neck or either side of the windpipe, temple and the upper surface of the foot.
It can be measured by pressing lightly against the artery wall with 2 or 3 fingers, apart from the thumb as this has a pulse of its own. Count the number of beats in a set of period and multiply the correct multiple to make up 60s or count for 30s and multiply by 2.
In order to get an accurate reading, individuals must sit in a proper position, with the back on the chair, feet flat on the floor, relaxed and still.
The pulse rate is usually 60-80 beats per minute. However, it may increase or decrease with exercise or illness. The normal pulse for healthy adults ranges from 60 to 100 beats per minute.
If the readings is below the normal range indicates the individual might have a fever or infection. As for higher pulse rate, indicates problem in the cardiovascular system.
2. Blood Pressure
Blood pressure refers to the force which the blood it’s pumped around the body by the heart, giving the energy and oxygen needed. The only way to know what your blood pressure is, is to have it measured by a blood pressure monitor.
There are things to consider before having the blood pressure measured. For example: * Wait 30 minutes to measure if have drunken caffeine or smoking; * Make sure you do not need to use the toilet; * Make sure to not eat big meals; * Keep the body relaxed and still, both feet on the floor * Sit in a position where your arm and back are supported.
The normal range for blood pressure is ideally 120 over 80 – 140 over 90. For youngsters are 110 over 75.
If the readings are below the normal range is referred as hypotension, which means that the nutrients is not going to the rest of the body, causing