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Dod Policy Recommendations

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This paper will review research and policies that set up from Department of Defense (DoD) agencies and civilian nonprofit institutions addressing gender dysphoria (GD) effects and limitations of affected individuals by GD on the readiness in an operational environment. The material will discuss concepts, definitions, and restrictions shown in the policies of DoD and TRICARE policy manuals (2017). Current policy recommendations written by Secretary of Defense (SecDef), the Honorable James Mattis (2018) shows criteria set up in a DoD report (2018) for individuals with a history or diagnosis GD. Research from the Rand Corporation (2016) will illustrate the implications of individuals affected by GD and the impact of the military service. …show more content…
Research conducted during the assessment found suicide rates were substantially higher for those not receiving mental health care. In some cases, individuals experiencing GD who refused or were denied appropriate health care turned to extreme solutions resulting in adverse health outcomes such as genital mutilation and body alterations. The assessment also found that individuals who received related transitional treatment had dramatically decreased rates of suicidality behavior. More research information for diagnosis and treatments for gender dysphoria in the assessment noted that individuals experiencing GD have a range of options of treatment. These treatments include psychotherapy, hormone therapy, surgery, and changes how individuals with GD present themselves to the public. Compiling these treatments and finding ability of the military health care to accommodate transgendered individuals challenges the capabilities of military medical professionals and the cost associated with the …show more content…
The extensive statistical data on suicide rates amongst treated and untreated individuals with GD symptoms continue to be a source of study and contention for future psychological studies. In-depth studies, conduct that evaluates the effectiveness of transgendered service members. Through these studies of individuals affected by GD, a consensus on the status of transgendered service members was unfit for military service and the recommendation sent to the President. The current army recommendations for the cost versus benefit of allowing individuals with GD to serve was based on the latest data, ensuring all affected parties had a voice in the discussion.

Department of Defense (2018). Department of Defense Report and Recommendations on Military Service by Transgender Persons Executive Summary 2-6, Panel of Experts Recommendation 17-20.
Department of Defense (2016), TRICARE Policy Manual 6010.60-M Gender Dysphoria (7)
Gender Dysphoria. 2011. In
Retrieved April 8, 2018, from dysphoria
Mattis, J. (2018) Memorandum for the President Subject: Military Service by Transgendered Individuals

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