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Does It in the Aec Industry Create Disruptions Rendering It Ineffective?


Submitted By DRIVAS
Words 1455
Pages 6
Does IT in the AEC industry create disruptions rendering IT ineffective?

Information technology in the AEC industry has presented positive effects such as improved education, increased competitiveness and heightened training solutions. Conversely, information technology has also introduced negative effects, for instance, file incompatibilities, outages and the improper use of technology by staff. This essay explores the ways information technology creates disruptions in the AEC industry and whether or not that is reason to deem them ineffective. This essay also asserts that the introduction of new information technologies in the AEC industry, such as Geographic Information System (GIS), Building Information Modelling (BIM), metres and mathematical models do cause temporary disturbances, but that does not make them worthless because their positives outweigh their negatives.

Information technology bestows both positive and negative effects, but information technology has the capacity to reverse negative effects. The operation of information technology requires costly education, and information technology can provide education. For example, a BMS system will relay information that will help educate people on how to better manage buildings. In the AEC industry, GIS technology has been implemented to also inform and educate people. Borce Dimeski during his presentation enunciated “GIS can be used to produce a variety of maps that can relay information involving demographics, sediment distribution, rural planning options, environmental impacts and distribution networks.” This information is applied to broaden people’s knowledge and understanding. A recent study reported by Li, Chen, Yong, and Kong (2005) integrates Global Position System (GPS) and GIS technologies to reduce construction waste. A system was developed from automatic data capture system, barcode for

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