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Doodle's Life In The Scarlet Ibis

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The first year of high school is a remarkable challenge and obscure journey. Any individual embarking on their freshman odyssey will face multiple hardships. The average ninth grader will endure a series of meltdowns, panic attacks, and conundrums just trying to cope with adjusting to a new environment. When one places a slightly disabled teenager under these circumstances, the results most likely point to chaos. The stress is already unbearable as a normal teenager, but adding a crippling impairment to the equation creates a much bigger dilemma. Doodle, a character from "The Scarlet Ibis", has a lot of setbacks in his life that restrict him from many everyday activities. Doodle will not be successful at Hoban because he does not possess the required academic abilities or general physical skills to function at a normal rate. …show more content…
Doodle never received a proper education as a child because of the drawbacks he faced. When he was first born, his own mother assumed he would not be mentally all there. Doodle turned out to be fine mentally, but other issues arose that took away from his studies. In "The Scarlet Ibis" it states, "Time was short, and Doodle still had a long way to go if he was going to keep up with the other boys when he started school" ("The Scarlet Ibis" 10-11) statement proves that Doodle lacks the academic abilities to perform well at Hoban. The fact that an average student has difficulties adjusting to the work load presented in high school shows that someone at Doodle's level would fall behind tremendously at his

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