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Dow Case


Submitted By ydh8124
Words 704
Pages 3
at the Dow Chemical
Company Case
BA 560
Fall, 2005
Prof. Dowling

 “If

you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten.”

Class Question:

What is the genesis of the project?

Class Question:

What were important skills, characteristics and abilities of Ian Telford prior to the venture? Class Question:

How did you vote on the request from Telford for

Case Question #1
 If

you had been a member of the ELT in November 1999 when Ian Telford asked for initial funding of $100,000, would you have voted ‘for’ or
‘against’ providing the funding?
Your answer needs to focus on why you voted for or against. Case Question #1 -- Class
Discussion Questions
 What

are the arguments for funding the $100,000?
 What are the arguments against funding the

Additional Class Discussion
 Given

the number of reasons against Telford’s venture, why did Vermaak approve the project?

Case Question #2
 What

is your evaluation of
Ian Telford, the internal
(corporate) entrepreneur?
Make your evaluation criteria clear.

Case Question #2 -- Class
Discussion Questions
 What

evaluation criteria should be applied to Telford?
 Based on these criteria, how did you evaluate Telford?

Case Question #3
 How

would you judge the performance of the corporate sponsors (within
Dow Chemical) of Telford’s project? Focus on the top 4 or 5 key issues/factors.
Make your evaluation criteria clear.

Key Sponsor Issues/Factors

HR development:
 Encourage & reward entrepreneurial activities  Identify potential entrepreneurs
 Match the right opportunity with the right entrepreneur
 Empower but also be hands-on as coach and mentor
 Plan personal development of

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