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Dr. Umar Johnson: Interracial Marriage

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Dr. Umar Johnson pointed out several issues that were perceptible to the African American community about interracial marriage. As African Americans we are letting people tear us apart by labeling ourselves as “biracial” or “multiracial”. There is no other race that will truly understand your struggle as an African American growing up in America. “There is evidence of an increase of Black men “marrying out” of their racial demographic. As a matter of fact the Pew Research Center released a report finding that 25% of Black male newlyweds in 2013 married non-Black women”, according to Black Demographics. The black man marries outside of his race because he wants to feel equal to the white man, marriage is seen to come from a political standpoint, …show more content…
This statement is a simple paradigm that states that the black man does not see that African American woman for who she really is. He only sees her from two views and those are only being able to reduce and the term of a female dog. “In the hip hop community the average rapper refers to a black woman as that derogative term.” This makes it hard for the black men and women to come together as one. If we continue to scourge ourselves, due to what a person that is not actually in the African American community we will fall victim to their pestilent …show more content…
With this marriage some would consider it as derivative, because he is very known in the African American community who plays in many different roles that deals with issues in the black community. For instance the television show Being Mary Jane, Hardwick was one of the main characters who witnessed the struggle the star if the show, Mary Jane, went through to get the black people’s voice heard. It somewhat repudiates the point of him marrying a caucasian woman. It will educe our young boys to believe that it is something rhetoric for them to be seen with a woman who is not of color. It must be taught early into a young black male’s life, because he will go out into the real world and see that having a white woman as a trophy. Therefore, explaining the values of marrying a black woman should be put into the mind at a young age. If not the philology of having self worth is perceptible as captious

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