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Drinking Age To 18 Essay

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That the age your Consider an adult should be when your 18 years old. At the age 18 you get your license so that means people trust you to drive on the streets. You also have your own choice of deciding whether or not you want to donate organs whenever you receive your license. If you can drive that means you are mature and smart enough to drive on the streets. Having a license is a big privilege and just anybody can get a driver’s license. Driving is a privilege not a right. So everybody at age 18 have a responsibility and are trusted because at this age you’re considered an adult. Soon as you’re at the age 16 you can have a part time job because you’re still in school. But when you’re 18 you’re out of school so you can have a full time …show more content…
But you cannot get married with someone younger than 18. There not consider an adult yet if you are under 17 years and younger. You can also have a family of your own. You have the resources and maturity to do so. These are one of the reasons why you should be considering an adult at age 18. You can also choose whether or not you want to donate your organs. That is a very big decision because you are telling the doctor that you don’t want your organs. That you are willing to give them up to someone else. We are also talking about your health here because your body cannot work correctly without certain organs. It is your choice because it is your body. This could impact your life a lot if you do not choose correctly but at this age eighteen you know what you want to do.
At age 18 you can also purchase and drink alcohol. You can drink at a bar and go to a bar. You can also consume legal drugs that the stores provide. You can also buy and consume cigarettes and tobacco. You are able to choose whether you want to live a life with drugs or a healthy lifestyle. At age 18 you’re allowed to do all of this that can affect us way more than a medical decision can. So that’s why we should make our own medical decisions at age eighteen because we have showed that at age eighteen we can deal with other big decisions and

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