Introduction The topics of discussion discussed below will include 3 important elements that are essential in the development of a successful website. These will include the target audience, the purpose of the website, and structural elements such as the navigation and layout of the website. The goal of this paper is to concentrate and discuss these elements listed. These elements are also associated with the websites ‘look and feel’.
Website Purpose is based on principles of providing reliable services. Marketing, gaining visibility and attracting new customers are also the main objective of the proposed website. The website will help provide convenient access and user-friendly features for clients who use the website. These features will include helping client’s book appointments which include various other features that will help clients with their experience in using the website. Another purpose of the website is to also help clients who wish of their own home or businesses. The company will be represented directly from the website so it is of up most importance in constructing the website to attract new customer, yet the design be simple to ensure client’s easy navigation through the website.
Target Audience The targeted audiences the website will attract include a various clients, both home- owners and professional businesses. A particular consumer the website should attract are those who ordinarily need upholstery carpet cleaning services such as restaurants, professional and non-professional businesses, and various types of homes. These homes can range from single story to multi story houses. Since clients do not need to get their carpet upholstered and cleaned every month, the website provides convenient access to the client who will help them keep track of their own desired date and agenda to their liking.
One of the most important