...CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1. INTRODUCTION There is an increasing need of network storage system in today’s world. Also, nowadays the files are stored over the network. This system provides an easy way to retrieve any file which is stored over the network. The IP address of any system which is connected to the network can be found out just by selecting the name of the system. Therefore the range of IP address where the search has to be done can be found by that. The required file can be searched easily when this IP address range is known. The name of the file to be searched is given as input. If possible the file format is also given along with it. The IP address range where the search has to be performed is also selected. If there is any particular system outside that particular range they also can be selected for search operation to be performed. The search is done in each working and connected system in the shared drive and the search results are displayed in the grid view which is the output. The file can be accessed just by clicking the result that appears. Thus this provides a easy way to search a file over a number of systems connected to a network simultaneously. Thus it is very effective since the search is done in a number of systems simultaneously. CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Existing System: When a particular file has...
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...GLOBAL MARKET ASSESSMENT FOR HANDICRAFTS VOLUME I FINAL DRAFT JULY 2006 This publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development. It was prepared by Ted Barber and Marina Krivoshlykova of Development Alternatives, Inc. GLOBAL MARKET ASSESSMENT FOR HANDICRAFTS VOLUME I FINAL DRAFT The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. FOREWORD This paper was written as part of the Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project (AMAP) Business Development Services Knowledge and Practice (BDS K&P) research initiative. The AMAP BDS initiative’s major objective is “integrating micro and small enterprises into productive value chains to create wealth in poor communities.” The research draws on experience and insights from: • Interviews with leading handicraft buyers in the United States, the European Union, and the Caribbean, including importers and retailers currently sourcing from Haiti, those who have done so in the past, and those who source handmade products from other destinations; • Interviews with market experts, such as product development consultants, designers, enterprise development consultants, and marketing specialists who work with handicraft producers in developing countries; • Discussions with market experts and USAID at a roundtable conducted in Washington...
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...Asdf asdf asdf sdf asdf sdf dsf sdaf sadf dsf df dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf sdf df dsf dsf df dsf dsf kl j jkj h g uytu yiu j k iui uiu o iu iu iu iu dsf dsf dsf dslj lkj jlkj j kjkiuyui y ug jbbmv g gj hi iji oi guguyu oijf v iov jj dsfjkfjd jfkajf d f ffsd fdfdsfsdf d df d fd fdsfd sdf sf ds fhgfh f df df dsfsd dsf sd sd ds fdsf sd fdf fgrrt u I I iu ui ui u uy ui yihjk hiu iu uihjh u rt I I jj k kjh jh jh jh hi I iu iu ui ui k jlkj lkjf sdf sdfdsf dsf dsf df dfds dfdds j lj lkj lk Asdf asdf asdf sdf asdf sdf dsf sdaf sadf dsf df dsf dsf dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf dsf df dsf dsf sdf df dsf dsf df dsf dsf kl j jkj h g uytu yiu j k iui uiu o iu iu iu iu dsf dsf dsf dslj lkj jlkj j kjkiuyui y ug jbbmv g gj hi iji oi guguyu oijf v iov jj dsfjkfjd jfkajf d f ffsd fdfdsfsdf d df d fd fdsfd sdf sf ds fhgfh f df df dsfsd dsf sd sd ds fdsf sd fdf fgrrt u I I iu ui ui u uy ui yihjk hiu iu uihjh u rt I I jj k kjh jh jh jh hi I iu iu ui ui k jlkj lkjf sdf sdfdsf dsf dsf df dfds dfdds j lj lkj...
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...The most important thing in BUSINESS is PLACE. PLACE. Place Dsfsd dsdasd sfdasfsa fdsadfsdf asf sf s fa sdf asf as fa sf d asf sd f ds da d af s f asf a f ax fas f s d a sf sf asf s fa sffs f fa f a sf as fa a f asf sd f zxf as f wsf a fa sgv sag a sf a f fa sf sd fs a xf sv dsafasf fas fs fa sf d f f j fdghj dfgh dfgh fdgh fdgh dfgh dfgh fgh fgh fgh fg hj fgh fgh fgh tyu t yu fgh fgh fgh fgh fg fg fghf gh cfv fg fg fgh fgh fghjf ghf cg fgh fgh tyu tyu c vb xcvb xzc sd sa de rtr ty fgh fgh fg frgh fdgh fghr ftgyufgh jfgh fghj fghjrty ue drtwqe qwe qw we ewe w err t y u j sfdsgd sdgf sdgfs sgfsdg fsdgf sdgsd gsg sg sdg sg s fs fa f af s g sf s gfd g dsg bcx bg sd gs f xsg a d a gs gef hg eg sd h rg fa fg f ghgf hgfd jhg fj hgf nh g nhgf gh fs dg dh dfg fhg d j d h vhb dh fdh d hd h d hx dst d st fjdh sd dgd fh fgvjh df j dfh fg hx fhu fdt gfgj hgx fhd cf fhvcg fghc gdf cnfgj fcj gfc vjhtf v ghfchvg rtjf h...
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...Sadfdhvcxhuawiefashfadsfdbxvbshdfas Fasfjjdbfhdxvhx Dsfsd Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg Fdsgfdsgfd Cxvc B Cvbx Fds Fsdf Fds Fsd Fsd Fsdf Sdfsd Sfsdf Dsf Awjhreurhtre Rg ...
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