MGMT 591 Week 1
Life Style Inventory (LSI)
Personal Thinking Style
MGMT591 Leadership and Organizational Behavior
(1400+ Words)
Primary and Backup Thinking Styles My primary personal thinking style is the Achievement Style, which is one of the constructive styles. Constructive Styles pertain to self-enhancing behaviors in ways of thinking, which determine a person’s level of satisfaction. These styles also pertain to the capability of effectively working with people, building healthy relationships, and being proficient at the accomplishment of tasks. In particular, the Achievement Style of thinking pertains to the ability and the desire to achieve personal goals and take on challenging tasks. This style also carries with it the belief that one’s effort can make a difference. I agree with this result as I believe myself to be a goal-oriented person. The Achievement Style of thinking has manifested in my life in that I always strive to improve myself and increase my knowledge as I pursuemy master’sdegree.In addition, I always strive to do well in my job where I try to exceed what’s expected of me andI try to stay focused on the task at hand while I’m at work. Specifically, as a Senior Case Technician for the Social Security Administration (SSA), I manage to complete more than 50-70 cases every month when the requirement is to complete only 30 cases. I also always try to complete my school requirements even before the deadline and strive to provide more than what’s required.
As well, in conformance to the general characteristics of constructive styles of thinking, I greatly value my relationships with others whether they are professional or personal in nature. Relationships have often proven to be reciprocal, and I have been very blessed to have met many good people in my life. I also have good interpersonal and communication skills, which I have