Question 1: Data Model/Database Model
Flat file
Flat file data model is model where data was store as a plain text file in a single table. Each line of the table hold each record with field and it is separated by commas or tabs. It cannot contain multiple tables like relational database. All the data stored by flat file, a computer file system will be store in a single…show more content… This model can have more than one parent per child. Network model permitted the modelling of many to many relationship in data. In the year of 1971, the Conference on Data System Language (CODASYL) defined the network model. Set construct is the basic data modelling construct in the network model. A set consist of an owner record type, a set name, and a member record type. A member record type can have that role in more than a set. This support the multi-parent concept. The model is a simple network, and link with all the record types. [3] In network model, it employs a single master network or model which when completed looks like a web of records. As new data is required, records are added to the network and joined to existing sets. So, the set usually defines a one-to-many relationship or one-to-one relationship which is based on the mathematical set theory. [2] This model may have different records containing unique identifiers, which acts as an entry points into the record