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Submitted By sheriff321
Words 435
Pages 2

What is evil and why it involve human

My hypothesis is we are free moral agents. God could have made us as robots, but He didn’t. We have a choice in the matter. Most choice to do evil act because the devil control the world.
Some evil or evil act get people who are: 1. Realization that life isn't fair. It can be an attempt to create a balance or a fair world where everybody faces what one has faced. 2. Bad experiences in past. 3. Need to drive pleasure from seeing others suffer the way one has suffered themselves. 4. Mental disorder/imbalance resulting from various life experiences

While I went to some source some from religious belief and some from non-religious belief.

The religious source said Humans have wrestled with questions of good and evil since time immemorial without reaching any universally satisfactory conclusion. For Christians, all goodness flows from God's inherent character, and evil is refusing to submit to His authority and love and serve Him. The problem of evil's existence is a stickier issue, causing much debate among Christian scholars, theologians and philosophers. But Christian beliefs define the source of determining what is good and what is evil, describe human nature and provide Christians with tools for combating evil with good.

Non-religious believe that most "evil" people became that way due to outside influences.

My source are credible because the author of the religious, has written more than 900 articles for a variety of clients since 2010. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in applied linguistics and an elementary teaching license. Additionally, she completed a course in digital journalism in 2014. She has more than 10 years’ experience teaching and gardening. On the other hand my non-religious view was not a credible source because it was writing by different user of that website just like Wikipedia.

My first source is

LERNER, M. (2015). Human Evil. Tikkun, 30(2), 5. Doi: 10.1215/08879982-2876569

This source talk about how the government is evil. Verhoef, A. H. (2014). The relation between evil and transcendence: new possibilities?. South African Journal of Philosophy, 33(3), 259-269. doi:10.1080/02580136.2014.914321

This source talk about what evil is and where it came from
He goes on about how the world is evil thought transcendence

Formosa, P. (2007). Understanding Evil Acts. Human Studies, 30(2),

This source talk about what evil act is and why people do evil act it tell us where we will defeat this act or not.

Ayouba Sheriff

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