...Sample Library Request for Proposals: Integrated Library System 1. Introduction............................................................................................................... 3 1.1 RFP Purpose.................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Definitions....................................................................................................... 3 Proposal Instructions................................................................................................ 4 2.1 RFP Schedule.................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Content and Format of Vendor Response....................................................... 5 2.3 Costs................................................................................................................ 6 2.4 Proprietary Information Agreement................................................................ 6 2.5 RFP Process Conditions.................................................................................. 6 2.6 Submission of Questions................................................................................. 7 Selection Process ....................................................................................................... 8 3.1 RFP Evaluation ............................................................................................... 8 3.2 Vendor Presentations ..................
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...Technology Author(s): H. Stephen Wright Source: Notes, Second Series, Vol. 56, No. 3 (Mar., 2000), pp. 591-597 Published by: Music Library Association Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/899642 Accessed: 01-10-2015 14:13 UTC Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at http://www.jstor.org/page/ info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. Music Library Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Notes. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 01 Oct 2015 14:13:57 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions TECHNOLOGY BY H. STEPHEN WRIGHT In an astonishing 1945 article, scientist Vannevar Bush offered his vision of a marvelous machine he called the "memex."' As depicted by Bush, the memex would enable scholars to search a vast repository of scholarly information, take notes, copy information as needed, and create new scholarship-all with incredible speed. One of the most striking features of the memex is what Bush called "associative indexing," in which links can be built between items of information...
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...Library System 1. INTRODUCTION Ramon Magsaysay Technological University shall be a leading people’s university of science and technology for sustainable development in global society. CORE VALUES R- ighteous, results-based and responsible governance M- oral courage, integrity and honesty T- ransparency, trust and respect for self and others U- nity in diversity and being one the community BRIEF HISTORY The Ramon Magsaysay Technological University, a merger of three public education institutions in the province of Zambales, was established by virtue of Republic Act 8498 enacted on February 12, 1998 through the initiative of Antonio M. Diaz. The University Charter integrated the former Ramon Magsaysay Polytechnic College (RMPC) in Iba, the Western Luzon Agricultural College (WLAC) in San Marcelino, an the Candelaria School of Fisheries (CSF), after a three-year transition period. The strengths of its parents-institutions, which had existed since the early 1990s served RMTU’s springboard for its accelerated growth and development. The RMPC in 1998, which is now RMTU’s main Campus, was found as a farm school in 1910. It was converted into a provincial trade in 1919. Through the years, it metamorphosed into Zambales Trade School on 1993., Western Luzon School of Arts and Trades in 1953, Zambales Scool of Arts and Trades in 1957, Ramon Magsaysay Memorial School of Arts and Trades in 1961. It became a DECS supervised College (RMPC) in 1993 and chartered state...
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...Planning and implementation of Library Automation Bangladesh perspective Prepared by M Hossam Haider Chowdhury Associate Librarian, Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB) For Workshop on “Digitization of Medical Library and Information Services”, 2002, Mohakhali, Dhaka Automation, i.e., dependency on machine, has remarkable influence at our work place. With the help of machine people perform their job comfortably and quickly and ultimately it increases people’s efficiency and effectiveness. In case of library the term “automation” basically means computerization of library activity. Computer influences all fields of human activity. Pandey S.K. Sharma describes influence of computer very nicely in his book on library automation. “The invention and increasing use of computers in various fields of human activity is witness to the fact that the computer is considered to be essential component for all-round development. Computers’ entry and its continuance in almost all fields of human endeavor is due to its invincible qualities, viz., the splendid speed to act in nano-second, the superb capabilities to do unmanageable and impossible looking things, the unlimited capacity to store ocean of information on to tiny storage mediums, immense capability to perform repetitive jobs without fatigue, the radical power to sort, arrange, retrieve and disseminate information almost instantaneously etc., etc. Day by day it is becoming more and more indispensable for...
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...words cyber (Internet) and librarian. A cybrarian- the term being used first by Michel Bauwens, who is the Information Officer at BP Nutrition in Antwerp, Belgium- is someone who concerns themselves primarily with the role that technology plays in a traditional library setting.[56] One of the most significant examples of how technology has changed the role of librarians in the last 50 years has been the move from traditional card catalogs to online public access catalogs (OPACs).[57] Librarians had to develop software and the MARC standards for cataloguing records electronically.[58] They had to purchase and run the computers necessary to use the software. They had to teach the public how to use the new technologies and move to more virtual working environments. The same could be said of other technology developments, from electronic databases (including the Internet), to logistical functions such as bar codes (or in the near future RFID). Many librarians provide virtual reference services (via web-based chat, instant messaging, text messaging, and e-mail),[59] work in digitizing initiatives for works in the public domain, teach information literacy and technology classes to their users, and work on the development of information architectures for improving access and search functionality. These examples illustrate some of the ways in which librarians are using technology to fulfill and...
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...INTRODUCTION CATALOGING BY AUTHOR AND SUBJECT For many centuries the feature that gave a work its unique identity was the name of the writer, and users of the library were expected to know the names of the authors whose works they wished to consult. This system was eventually supplemented by the development of a subject catalog. Many factors have contributed to the rise in importance of the subject approach to information. From the earliest times, librarians recognized that readers would be greatly helped if the catalog entries were arranged in groups of related subjects. General classifications of knowledge such as those of Aristotle and Porphyry, scholarly curricula such as the trivium and quadrivium (expounded by Julius Caesar’s librarian Marcus Terentius Varro and persisting as a major influence on Western education), and practical considerations, such as the governmental needs of emperors and priests, all have formed the basis for the arrangement of subject catalogs. Early in the 7th century the scholar Wei Cheng wrote the bibliographic section of the official Sui Dynasty History, dividing the books into four categories: Confucian classics, historical records, philosophical writings, and miscellaneous works. Since the late 19th century far more attention has been paid to cataloging the subject contents of books as well as the names of their authors. Most of the impetus for this change came from science and technology, where the practice of working in teams in research...
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...Shaping America HIST 1301: U. S. History to 1877 Section 21404 INET (3 credit hours) Brookhaven College/Dallas TeleCollege, Fall 2014, August 27 – December 11 Instructor: Tara Kirk, M. A. E-Mail: tara.kirk@dcccd.edu Office Hours: Available for questions by e-mail. Phone: 972-860-7444 x21221 Welcome to Shaping America - History 1301 online! This course examines an exciting time in U.S. history, from exploration and settlement to the Civil War and Reconstruction. This syllabus is designed to give you all the information you need to successfully complete this course. Please pay special attention to the Course Work and Course Calendar sections to stay up to date with assignments and exams. COURSE DESCRIPTION & OBJECTIVES Prerequisite: Developmental Reading 0093 or English as a Second Language (ESOL) 0444 or have met the Texas Success Initiative (TSI) standard in Reading. A survey of the social, political, economic, cultural, and intellectual history of the United States from the pre-Columbian era to the Civil War/Reconstruction period. United States History I includes the study of pre-Columbian, colonial, revolutionary, early national, slavery and sectionalism, and the Civil War/Reconstruction eras. Themes that may be addressed in United States History I include: American settlement and diversity, American culture, religion, civil and human rights, technological change, economic change, immigration and migration, and creation of the federal government. Coordinating Board Academic...
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...Term Paper Identify an interesting question about an issue related to a recent financial crisis. Then write a 10-15-page paper. Due date: Structure of paper Your paper should have the following structure: 1. Introduction The introduction should briefly indicate what topic/question you are addressing and why it should be of interest. It should briefly talk about the deficiency of the literature on the topic and what you are doing different. The introduction should also briefly state the methods and finding(s) of your investigation without getting into details. It should also chart the path of your paper. It sets up the background for your work. 2. Review of This section should describe what the literature says about literature the topic/question of your choice. It should assess conclusions drawn in the literature. 3. Your analysis Make your own assessment of the issue/question in the light of the literature. This section should describe the data used ( if any), model or methodology used (if any), and provide the details of your findings. You should use principles developed in the course to support your arguments whenever it is possible. 4. Summary and Every paper has an ending. In this section, you should summarize your conclusion findings and lay out your conclusions. The reader should be able to read this section and get a good idea of what your paper is about and what you have done. The summary portion is often a paraphrase...
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...UTILITY BUTTONS START UTILITY BUTTONS END InstanceBeginEditable name="textArea_syllabus" NURS 3020: Health Assessment Student Support and Calendar Information So you have all key information available to you off-line, it is highly recommended that you print the following items for your reference: * This Syllabus, including the Course Schedule that is linked on this page as a PDF * Term Calendar * Student Support Credit Hours 5 quarter hours Walden University assigns credit hours based on the number and type of assignments that enable students to achieve the course learning objectives. In general, each semester credit equals about 42 hours of total student work and each quarter credit equals about 28 hours of total student work. This time requirement represents an approximate average for undergraduate work and the minimum expectations for graduate work. The number and kind of activities estimated to fulfill time requirements will vary by degree level and student learning style, and by student familiarity with the delivery method and course content. Course Description Students have the opportunity in this course to gain the knowledge and skills required to collect data related to the assessment of individual and population health status. They learn physical examination skills including palpation, percussion, and auscultation. Students gain practical experience in taking patient histories, using interviewing techniques and communication skills, and they...
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...LIBRARY/APA ASSIGNMENT The purpose of the first part of this assignment is to learn how to use the library and internet to find scholarly research. Print this questionnaire and bring to class and the library on the assigned days. Portions of this will be discussed/ completed in class. All parts must be typed. This assignment is to allow you to learn how to do research on the web and on the library website when searching for articles. Many of you will use these tools for research papers. You will follow the directions listed and fill in the blanks. This is due 4/11. Go to www.google.com to answer the questions below. Type dhmo into the search box. How many results were found? Go to www.dhmo.org and what is the Title of the page? What is this website about? Read the page and evaluate the page using the 6 criteria discussed in class. For each area, explain how the page filled that criteria, or how it didn’t fill that criteria. Authority: Objectivity: Accuracy: Currency: Content/Relevancy: Aesthetics: What is dihydrogen monoxide? Go to scholar.google.com Type “sports injuries” in the search box. How many results were found? Click on the second article. Is the article scholarly or popular? Click the back arrow at the top and look at the 2nd article information. At the end of the 2nd article information, how many articles is the article “Cited by”? Library Search Go to the library website and use the database...
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...organizations with emphasis on the structural changes necessary to improve and maintain productivity and quality of work life. RATIONALE Organizations are collections of people working together under a defined structure for the purpose of achieving predetermined outcomes through the use of financial, human, and material resources. There are a number of approaches to the structuring and managing of organizations. This course will provide the student with a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical constructs regarding the field of organizational design and structure as well as strategies for moving from theory to practice. I. PREREQUISITE For information regarding prerequisites for this course, please refer to the Academic Course Catalog. REQUIRED RESOURCE PURCHASES Click on the following link to view the required resource(s) for the term in which you are registered: http://bookstore.mbsdirect.net/liberty.htm II. III. ADDITIONAL MATERIALS FOR LEARNING A. B. C. Computer Internet access (broadband recommended) Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office is available at a special discount to Liberty University students.) IV. MEASURABLE LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: A. B. Assess the dimensions of organizational purpose, design, and structure....
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...Questions 1. Provide the name of the library legislation and its date. • Alberta, Libraries Act – Current as of October 4, 2007 • Libraries Act - ALBERTA REGULATION 141/98 - LIBRARIES REGULATION - 2008 2. What does the legislation say about the establishment of library boards, their size, selection, duration/terms, etc.? • Every board shall establish their own policies. • Library system board shall also establish a policy with respect to the provision of municipal library services to any member municipality that does not have a municipal board. • Every board meeting should be and is open to the public. • Every board that operates a library service point shall make its by-laws available for inspection by any person during the hours that the library service point is open to the public. 3. What responsibilities/powers do library boards have? POWER: • To any enactment that limits its authority, has full management and control of the municipal library and shall, in accordance with the regulations, organize, promote and maintain comprehensive and efficient library services. RESPONSIBILITIES: Plan of service: • Municipal boards and intermunicipal library boards - Within 3 years of being established, develop and file with the Minister a plan of service with a mission statement and goals and objectives based on a needs assessment of the municipality or municipalities served by the boards and annually review its plan of service...
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...Contents Preface .................................................................................................................................. 2 2. MEDOC VERSION 1.0 .................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Outline......................................................................................................................... 5 3. Composing the Project Group............................................................................................ 6 4. What: Specifying the Collection ........................................................................................ 7 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 7 4.2 Subject ........................................................................................................................ 7 4.3 Character and extent .................................................................................................... 7 4.4. Information about the collection ................................................................................. 8 4.5 Results......................................................................................................................... 8 5. Why: Reasons for Digitising and Disclosing the Collection...
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...Your task: Design and Build a Computer System for a Library From Last week The Managing Director of an independent specialist library has asked to speak to you about computerising their operation. She has a limited budget and wants to see a quick return on investment. Whilst waiting to interview the Director, you speak to two of the desk librarians who outline how the library operates. It is very straightforward, anyone can come in and browse the library shelves or its catalogue but to borrow a book you have to register as a member of the library and be issued with membership card. Members can borrow up to five books for two weeks a time. A loan can be renewed and extended either at the desk or over the telephone. If a book is not available because it already out on loan a member can reserve a copy. If it is not in the collection, the librarian can acquire a copy for the library (if it is within budget) or arrange an inter-library loan. Every year the librarians trawl through the collection and weed out books that are out of date or in poor condition and buy new books. The membership lists, catalogue and loans are still done manually on index cards. When it started this was fine, but the library has expanded rapidly and during busy periods there can be quite a long queue at the desk of members wanting to return or borrow books. In the library you also talk to some members. They all found the library by word-of-mouth. They think it is great. It as it has...
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...professional responsibilities. These challenges will always exist for women with families. And I believe most woman would always work a less demanding position to ease the balance. If I had to choose which technology I could not live without, it would have to be my cell phone. I no longer have a land line. Therefore, my cell phone is my only source of communication with my family, my boys' teachers and co-workers/bosses. What worries me about our dependency on some technology, is if you had to go back to the day that certain technology did exist like GPS would you remember how to use a map? If you were at the library and the computer system there was down, would you remember how to use the card catalog? I'm sure there are some people who don't even know what a card catalog is. With all that being said I do not think I could live off the grid. Maybe for a week or two vacation. But not for any longer then that. Going off the grid would be good because it would force one to get back in touch with nature. It would give you time to clear your head and unwind. Getting back to the basics of life like years ago when life was simple. It definitely would take a little time to get used to. But would be a nice break. I do not feel that in my profession (human resources), I would be able to go off the grid. I use the telephone several times throughout the day and make multiple copies of...
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