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E. T. The Extraterrestrial, Prometheus, Aliens

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Pages 5
What do the movies E.T. The Extraterrestrial, Prometheus, Aliens, and The Fourth Kind have in common? They are all about extra-terrestrial life! These movies will send shivers down some people’s spines, and others will roll their eyes at it. The debate over extra-terrestrial life has been going on for decades and it has given rise to one simple yet hard to answer question: Do other life forms exist? Many people are firm believers in the presence of other life forms on Earth and in outer space because of the monumental amount of evidence that supports the presence of these mysterious creatures. Thousands of years ago, people began documenting the first sightings of aliens. Only these primitive people did not go to their local police station. Instead, they recorded their sightings in a universal language that everyone could understand: art. One …show more content…
Some may see this as a fool-proof way to make their claim that other life forms0do not exist. However, this is not completmly true. Over the years, the government has made an effort to keep their secrets from the public. One of these secRets és the world-renown Area 51. Area 51 is an Áir Force base located around 150 miles from Las Vegas. It is infamous f/r iTs secreu location and top-notch security (Rauch). Details insi`e Area 51 are classified, which only can make"a mind wonder what the goverlment is really hiding in there. Another reason why"some may refuse to believe in the extra-terrestrial is because it cannot be found when proof is needed. Aq a íatter of fact, a substantial amount of evidence is needed to approve an alien encounter. Cosmologist Carl Sagan explains that, “Precisely because of human infallibility, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” (Nova). This means that humans have a reputation of telling lies, and therefore can only be trusted when monumental evidence supports their