...leaves also have anti-microbial and antioxidant properties. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, making it good for fever and wounds treatment. Its extracts are used to treat oxidative stress-mediated diseases and photo aging. The plant is used in cosmetic industries for its incredible beauty properties. It is used in sunscreen creams and anti-aging products. It also makes the skin glow. Drugs are extracted from the leaves, by grounding them. The drugs are used to treat a broad range of diseases, include HIV, diuretic, diabetes, arthritis, anemia, herpes simplex and bronchitis (Holts, 2011). The powder of Moringa oleifera is used as tea. The powder is filled in tea bags and used for tea. All parts of this plant are useful to the human. For drugs to be effective, they must reach their targeted organs before they disintegrate. The gastrointestinal tract has different acids and alkaline elements that could disintegrate the drugs before reaching their destination. Most drugs that are colon targeted must be bind by an element that can withstand the upper part of the gastrointestinal tract (Singh, 2003). These majorly covers the peptide and the protein drugs. The colon-targeted drugs delay the absorption of the drugs, which is useful for diseases with peak symptoms, such the early morning asthma, and the late night arthritis. Moringa oleifera is one of the best naturally occurring polysaccharide used for tableting (Singh, 2003). It has numerous nutritional values. Its binding...
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...Agroforestry in the drylands of eastern Africa: a call to action Bashir Jama and Abdi Zeila Agroforestry in the drylands of eastern Africa: a call to action Bashir Jama and Abdi Zeila World Agroforestry Centre LIMITED CIRCULATION Titles in the Working Paper Series aim to disseminate information on agroforestry research and practices and stimulate feedback from the scientific community. Other series from the World Agroforestry Centre are: Agroforestry Perspectives, Technical Manuals, and Occasional Papers. Correct Citation: Jama B and Zeila A. 2005. Agroforestry in the drylands of eastern Africa: a call to action. ICRAF Working Paper – no. 1. Nairobi: World Agroforestry Centre. Published by the World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF) Eastern and Central Africa Regional Programme United Nations Avenue PO Box 30677 – 00100, Nairobi, Kenya Tel: +254 20 7224 000, via USA +1 650 833 6645 Fax: +254 20 7224 001, via USA +1 650 833 6646 Email: b.jama@cgiar.org Internet: www.worldagroforestry.org © World Agroforestry Centre 2005 ICRAF Working Paper no. 1 Photos: World Agroforestry Centre Staff Articles appearing in this publication may be quoted or reproduced without charge, provided the source is acknowledged. No use of this publication may be made for resale or other commercial purposes. All images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used for any purpose without written permission of the source. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and...
Words: 10279 - Pages: 42
...marketing effort for Scope, Procter & Gamble's (P&G) brand in the mouthwash market. She was responsible for maximizing the market share, volume, and profitability of the brand. Until the entry of Plax, brands in the mouthwash market were positioned around two major benefits: fresh breath and killing germs. Plax was positioned around a new benefit-as a "plaque fighter"-and indications were that other brands, such as Listerine, were going to promote this benefit. The challenge for Hearst was to develop a strategy that would ensure the continued profitability of Scope in the face of these competitive threats. Her specific task was to prepare a marketing plan for P&G's mouthwash business for the next three years. It was early February 1991, and she would be presenting the plan to senior management in March. ■ COMPANY BACKGROUND Based on a philosophy of providing products of superior quality and value that best fill the needs of consumers, Procter & Gamble is one of the most successful consumer goods companies in the world. The company markets its brands in more than 140 countries and had net earnings of $1.6 billion in 1990. The Canadian subsidiary contributed $1.4 billion in sales and $100 million in net earnings in 1990. It was recognized as a leader in the...
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...Approximately 17 million Americans have diabetes.(Lamb) As many as one-half are unaware they have it. This chronic disease causes serious health complications including renal failure, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. It is a condition in which the pancreas no longer produces enough insulin or cells stop responding to the insulin that is produced. Then glucose in the blood is not able to be absorbed into the cells of the body.(Kishore) The cells in the human body need energy in order to function. Glucose is the body's primary energy source. It is a simple sugar resulting from the digestion of foods containing carbohydrates. It circulates in the blood from the foods that are digested as a ready energy source for any cells that need it. Insulin is a hormone or chemical produced by cells in the pancreas, it is located behind the stomach. It bonds to a receptor site on the outside of cell and goes into the cell through which glucose can enter. Glucose can be saved for later use by converting to concentrated energy sources like glycogen or fatty acids. When there is not enough insulin produced , glucose stays in the blood rather entering the cells. The body will attempt to dilute the high level of glucose in the blood, which called hyperglycemia. Hyperglycemia acts by drawing water out of the cells and into the bloodstream, to dilute the sugar and excrete it in the urine. People with undiagnosed diabetes to be constantly thirsty, drink large quantities of water, and urinate...
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...world, but international marketing is not a simple activity that can be successfully applied by very firm. First, to achieve success in international marketing activities, a company should consider economic, social and cultural facts about the countries which the firm plans to expand its activities to. These facts are extremely important because they have a great impact on the demand for a certain product. William M. Pride and O.C. Ferrell states that “the effects of environmental forces on customers and marketers can be dramatic and difficult to predict” (pp.6). This results in the need for a reliable and carefully developed marketing research. A company should conduct marketing researches to bring down the level of uncertainty and risk to minimum, by acquiring true and accurate information about the environmental forces. Thus marketing research, environmental scanning and analysis are crucial for a company which involves in international marketing activities. And finally the choice of the level of commitment plays an important role on the success of international firms. A company considering marketing in a foreign nation may prefer expansion through a joint venture or a trading company rather than direct ownership, if there are many uncertainties about the marketing environment of that country. Colgate-Palmolive is a good example of the companies which are successful in international marketing and its success is a result of its expansion strategy which emphasizes on all these...
Words: 7396 - Pages: 30
...ABSTRACT This paper briefly discusses Mars Inc., beginning with a brief history of its origins in 1911. The paper continues with identifying some of their products, as well as some initiatives they are currently working on here in the U.S. as well as abroad. Some elements of administrative law that may be relevant to the current and up-coming initiatives and are discussed as well as the sales laws needed to be considered. Recommendations are made to help the company minimize threats of lawsuits. Frank C. Mars began making candies in his Tacoma, Washington, kitchen in 1911 and established the company’s first roots in the confectionary business. In the 1920s, his son, Forrest E. Mars Sr., joined his father in business and together they launched the now world famous Milky Way bar. In 1932 Forrest Sr. moved to the United Kingdom where he founded his own company with a dream of building a business model based on his philosophy of a “mutuality of benefits for all stakeholders”. This vision serves as the foundation of the Mars Incorporated we know today. Mars, Incorporated is a private, family-owned company and employs more than 65,000 associates at over 230 sites, including 135 factories, in 71 countries worldwide. Headquartered in McLean, Virginia, U.S.A., Mars Incorporated is one of the world’s largest food companies, generating global revenues of more than $30 billion annually and operating in six business segments: Chocolate, Petcare, Wrigley Gum and Confections, Food...
Words: 1510 - Pages: 7
...developed, and directed the total marketing effort for Scope, Procter & Gamble’s (P&G) brand in the mouthwash market. She was responsible for maximizing the market share, volume, and profitability of the brand. Until the entry of Plax, brands in the mouthwash market were positioned around two major benefits: fresh breath and killing germs. Plax was positioned around a new benefit—as a “plaque fighter”—and indications were that other brands, such as Listerine, were going to promote this benefit. The challenge for Hearst was to develop a strategy that would ensure the continued profitability of Scope in the face of these competitive threats. Her specific task was to prepare a marketing plan for P&G’s mouthwash business for the next three years. It was early February 1991, and she would be presenting the plan to senior management in March. ■ COMPANY BACKGROUND Based on a philosophy of providing products of superior quality and value that best fill the needs of consumers, Procter & Gamble is one of the most successful consumer goods companies in the world. The company markets its brands in more than 140 countries and had net earnings of $1.6 billion in 1990. The Canadian subsidiary contributed $1.4 billion in sales and $100 million in net earnings in 1990. It was recognized as a leader in the Canadian packaged-goods industry, and its consumer brands led in most of the categories in which the company competed. Between 1987 and 1990, worldwide...
Words: 5598 - Pages: 23
...certain field. The goal of this paper is to convey the conceptual meaning of rurality as it relates to oral health and its impact on advanced practice nursing. Purpose The purpose if this concept analysis is to present a theoretical understanding of oral health among rural populations. Despite important links between oral health and general health, oral diseases are common and public health and prevention efforts aimed to improving oral health have lagged prevention efforts. Research shows that the key to improving oral health is through preventative care and early treatments. However, many individuals within rural communities do not have access to preventive programs and early treatment; whether it is due to financial burden, uninsured, distance to treatment, lower rates of water fluoridation or poor access to care providers. People who have the least access to preventive services and dental treatment have greater rates of oral diseases (“Oral Health”, 2013). Evidence In 2000, the United States Surgeon General’s report on “Oral Health in America” defined oral health broadly, emphasizing that oral health is “integral to general health; oral health means more than healthy teeth and that you cannot be healthy without oral health.” The World Health Organization defines oral health as “a state of being free from mouth and facial pain, oral and throat cancer, oral infection and sores, periodontal (gum) disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and other diseases and disorders that limit an...
Words: 1351 - Pages: 6
...hi-tech gadgets and vices are in. Based on the National Nutrition Survey last 2008, most of the overweight among adults that aged 20 years and above are in Metro, Manila with 32.2%. We all know that overweight and obesity are one of the serious problems that even other countries are experiencing. Take note, it is the fifth leading risk to global death. For us individuals this signifies that we need to change our daily lifestyle. That we need to become more aware of what we are eating, doing and taking. We need to become more sensitive especially when it comes to our health. As a BSHRM student I would like to find out: 1. What other related disease overweight can give? 2. How can we prevent ourselves to become overweight? 3. What are the possible reason why this problem occur? II. THE ISSUE: Based on this term paper, the problem or issue that needed to be tackled is the fast growth of...
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...regions of the world. Recently, it has been established that many young people in their teens and early adulthood smoke in an increasing trend. The most common form of smoking is through cigarettes(Brannon & Feist, 2010). However, there are other forms which include the use of bidis, hookas, pipes and shisha (Brannon & Feist, 2010). Tobacco products contain a stimulating substance called nicotine, which when inhaled or tasted leads to adverse health and other related consequences. It has been found out that smoking is an addictive activity which is hard to contain. Smoking normal cigarettes can be a foundation for more dangerous substances that include smoking weed and inhaling cocaine. Health institutions have come up with the possible effects of smoking both to passive and active smokers. Breathing problems, socioeconomic effects as well as chronic diseases like cancers are some of the dangerous outcomes of smoking. Several alternatives have been established to deal with the problem (Hyde & Setaro, 2006). Designation of smoking zones is one of the options that most nations globally have embraced with the aim of bringing down the negative effects associated with smoking. This paper seeks to establish the need for banning smoking in closed areas. This is in accordance with the fact that smoking has been a menace in the recent past especially to passive smokers (Owing, 2005). The paper also aims at identifying the possible impact of smoking and how restricting it will assist the...
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...[pic] Ex Fide Ad Veritatem THE EFFECTS OF GUM CHEWING ON THE MATH TEST SCORES OF FIRST YEAR PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS OF HOLY CROSS OF DAVAO COLLEGE A Research Proposal Presented to the Psychology Program In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Experimental Psychology by Riomhel C. Digal Aileen M. Mendez Kristine Jean N. Ancheta Jhelyn R. Tapere March, 2011 Ex Fide Ad Veritatem The Effects of Gum Chewing on the Math Test Scores of First Year Psychology Students of Holy Cross of Davao College ___________________ A Research Proposal Presented to the Psychology Program ____________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject Psy 8 Experimental Psychology ____________________ by Riomhel C. Digal Aileen M. Mendez Kristine Jean N. Ancheta Jhelyn R. Tapere March, 2011 APPROVAL SHEET This research paper is entitled, “THE EFFECTS OF GUM CHEWING ON THE MATH TEST SCORES OF FIRST YEAR PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS OF HOLY CROSS OF DAVAO COLLEGE”, prepared and submitted by Riomhel C. Digal, Aileen M. Mendez, Kristine Jean N. Ancheta and Jhelyn R. Tapere, in partial fulfillment for the subject Psychology 8 (Experimental Psychology), has been examined and recommended for presentation and acceptance. Anne Bella L. Pedrosa, MASCo Instructor PANEL OF EXAMINERS Accepted and approved after the presentation of the study with a grade of ___________. Date: April 2011 Gina R. Lamzon...
Words: 6169 - Pages: 25
...most people who smoke know smoking is bad for their health and can contribute to many other health problems and even death, so why can’t they just quit? If it were that easy there would be significantly less smokers in this country. The problem is not the desire to quit but rather the actual act of stoping smoking for good. The fact of reality is there are plenty of smokers out there who want to quit but just can’t due to the complexity and addictive nature of the habit. The three main components of tobacco smoke include; tar, carbon monoxide and nicotine (McEwen 2014). Most of the health issues that arise from smoking cigarettes are directly linked to tar and carbon monoxide components. Cancers, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cardiovascular disease are three of the most common issues stemming from the tar and carbon monoxide elements of the cigarette (McEwen 2014). The third component, nicotine, is relatively harmless to our health but may be the most dangerous element of a cigarette. Nicotine is highly addictive and is the reason smokers keep smoking. Aside...
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...Medical Use of Honey Bee Products Apitherapy is the use of honey bee products in treating illnesses and diseases. Apis means “bee” while “therapy” is a treatment intended to relieve or heal a disorder. The different products derived from the beehive which can be used in apitherapy are: honey, pollen, propolis, venom, wax and royal jelly. Being from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds, we all have been exposed to honey bees and their products in unique ways. Despite our differences, collectively, we share great interest in the application of honey, bee venom (BV) and propolis in contemporary medicinal practices. In the following paragraphs each member shares their personal exposure with bees and why they have an interest in the medicinal use of BV. Mai As a young boy, my father intentionally interfered with bees in order to get stung. Now, being an adult, he is immune to bee stings, showing no signs of inflammation after a bee sting. The first time I got stung by a bee I was 7 years old. It hurt so badly and one thing was sure: “I would not walk in my father’s footsteps, when it comes to the subject bee stings.” In university, a classmate mentioned that BV contains certain chemicals which are beneficial to multiple sclerosis (MS) patients. Although my first experience was unpleasant, I started to believe that bees can be useful. Good story: it reveals the sources of your curiosities and it draws out social issues. Morayo “They sting! Keep away!” this was my...
Words: 2002 - Pages: 9
...outbreak to an epidemic. What if Ebola becomes a pandemic? Would it be deadlier than the Bubonic plague? This is the question that this thesis paper will attempt to find the answer to. This paper will provide detailed backgrounds of both of these diseases; including their history and historical relevance, their causes and effects, even their levels of damage and possible cures. This paper will expand your knowledge of both diseases to such an extent that you can accurately compare and contrast them in order...
Words: 3510 - Pages: 15
...Mantesh TABLE OF CONTENTS Cure Tooth Decay Book Description Foreword By Timothy Gallagher D.D.S. President of the Holistic Dental Association Introduction 100% Real Dental Healing Testimonials Leroy from Utah Ms. Steuernol from Alberta , Canada Mike from Ashland , Oregon Pioneering Tooth Cavity Remineralization CHAPTER 1 DENTISTRY'S INABILITY TO CURE CAVITIES Reaffirm Your Choice to Cure Your Cavities The Real Cause of Cavities Remembering Your Connection Fear of the Dentist How Conventional Dentistry Works Micro-organisms Conventional Dentistry’s Losing Battle Against Bacteria The Failure of Conventional Dentistry Chapter 1 References CHAPTER 2 DENTIST WESTON PRICE DISCOVERS THE CURE Lack of Nutrition is the Cause of Physical Degeneration The Healthy People of the Loetschental Valley, Switzerland Modern Swiss were Losing Their Health The Healthy People of the Outer Hebrides Gaelics on Modern Foods are Losing Their Health Genetics and Tooth Decay Aborigines of Australia Nutritive Values of Diets Compared Fat-soluble Vitamins and Activators Mantesh Why Tooth Decay with Modern Civilization? Weston Price's Tooth Decay Curing Protocol Dr. Price's Protocol Summarized Chapter 2 References CHAPTER 3 MAKE YOUR TEETH STRONG WITH FAT-SOLUBLE VITAMINS How Teeth Remineralize 101 Hormones and Tooth Decay Cholesterol The Miracle of Vitamin D Vital Fat-Soluble Vitamin A Cod Liver Oil Heals Cavities Weston Price’s Activator X More Fat-Soluble...
Words: 66501 - Pages: 267