...HNC Business Management Assignment 1 Introduction Ebay Task 1 Assessment criteria: 1.1 a) Distinguish between the terms E-Business and E-Commerce E -business and e-commerce are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, and sometimes they're used to differentiate one vendor's product from another. But the terms are different, and that difference matters to today's companies. E-business “firm which, in contrast to an electronic commerce firm, conducts its day-to-day business functions over the internet and/or other electronic networks such as electronic data interchange (EDI). Electronic business includes collaborating with distributors on sales promotions, interacting with and servicing the customers, and conducting joint research with business partners.” E-Commerce (electronic commerce or EC) is the buying and selling of goods and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic network, primarily the Internet. b) Define: the Internet, the worldwide web (www), Intranets and Extranets Internet - a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols. World Wide Web - an information system on the Internet which allows documents to be connected to other documents by hypertext links, enabling the user to search for information by moving from one document to another. Intranets - a local or restricted communications network...
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...Sitemap When creating the sitemap I wanted to make sure that I had enough pages available in the menu bar. I wanted to make sure that I provided enough information to the customer that they could get any information they were looking for. However, at the same time I needed to make sure that I didn’t include too much information that caused difficulty viewing and navigating the site. I came to the conclusion that I could provide the needed information with seven pages including the home page. My sitemap example is attached separately under the title “Task #3 Sitemap” in PowerPoint format. Design Mock-Up My mock up pages needed to match with the sitemap I created in the previous step. In order to accomplish this I needed to create seven pages or menus on the website. I also needed to make sure that the headers, footers and menu bar were the same on each page to provide consistency on the site. The only thing that was to change on each page was the content. I used wix.com as the template for this process. The images of the page examples are included separately under the titles home page, about us, customer service and products page. Web Development and Maintenance Costs Providing a website is a very important step in expansion of a business. However, having a website does not mean that your company will be setting itself up for expansion and growth. Making sure the site is relevant to your business and appealing to the visitors is another component of...
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...Introduction to E-business To Debbie and Richard Introduction to E-business Management and strategy Colin Combe AMSTERDAM BOSTON HEIDELBERG LONDON NEW YORK PARIS SAN DIEGO SAN FRANCISCO SINGAPORE SYDNEY Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier OXFORD TOKYO Butterworth-Heinemann is an imprint of Elsevier Linacre House, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8DP 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803 First edition 2006 Copyright ß 2006, Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone: (þ44) (0) 1865 843830; fax: (þ44) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier website at http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data Control Number: 2005938727 ISBN–13: 978-0-7506-6731-9 ISBN–10: 0-7506-6731-1 For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications visit our website at http:/ /books.elsevier.com Printed and bound in...
Words: 142464 - Pages: 570
...Barriers to E-Business There are several barriers involved in e-business, however the main success to e-business depend on the amount of online users available globally, and the base and originator of the buyers and sellers. The barrier of e-business it is divided into two categories technological and non-technological. . . 1) Personal Computer Penetration Personal computer penetration is the main display t( necessary need) to starting up and e-business. When it comes to PC penetration and ecommerce we can see that there is a direct relationship between them Rabe 2001; Singh, Jayashankar, and Singh 2001), moreover owning a pc is very much directed to actual revenue or income owned (Polster and Trinh 2000). So in this case developed countries are capable of owning more pc however the poorer countries are quite limited in the amount of Pc owning. For example PC manufactures in china may produce a computer for a price of $ 300; in our standard of developed countries it is extremely cheap. however in accordance to the poor countries ,economical factors and salary wages $ 300 could mount up to about 2 month of their average wage. This could cause a major problem for e-business as it could decrease the amount of global interaction or awareness. 2)Infrastructure Access to the internet in global developed countries is not a problem even if computers price have declined on increased. Having internet in developing countries is extremely common and in fact everywhere...
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...E- Business With the advent of internet and web development technologies, e-business is playing emergesDocument6 with a larger role in today’ entrepreneurial world. “The internet offers businesses and other organizations a source of information, a means of communication, and a channel for buying and selling, all rolled into one, with just a few clicks of a mouse” (Boone, Kurtz, 2011,p.214). It has also revolutionized almost every aspect of business. People all around the world use the internet for their daily life, for instance, surfing information, paying bills, making purchases, communicating with organizations or individuals, and connecting with people around the world. The internet, extranet, and the other forms of digital technology has created a valuable chain among clients, employees, stakeholders, suppliers, traders into the world of electronic business. This new form of communication can be used either for business to business or business to customer as well. Electronic Business on E-Business is a term used to describe a wide range of business activities operating via the internet internet, or utilize internet technologies to improve the productivity or efficiency. E-business also provides superior customer service, increase sales, and reduce costs. A business enterprise may use the internet to exchange information with the customers, advertise their products, research market trends buy and sell goods and services. E-business uses tools such as e-mail services,...
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...Introduction Business is about making money. Even if you’re a genius and saint, you can’t stay in business unless you make a profit. Profitability is a lot more predictable than most people realize, but failure can still result if you don’t execute consistently on your business plan--or a hundred other factors that manifest unexpectedly. Here are some steps to take before you decide to make a go of a business idea. The business plan under discussion is to launch an eBusiness website for a company ABC Inc. The company is a scientific company specializing in manufacturing of chromatography gadgets, which are used by a variety of researchers in different industries including petro-chemical, pharmaceutical, clinical research, government, forensic, toxicology, fuels, academic, industrial and commercial laboratories. The gadgets and accessories manufactured by ABC Inc. are mainly used to solve the separation and purification challenges for researchers in drug discoveries, pharmaceutical developments, food safety, petro-chemical compounds extractions, and environmental analysis. The manufactured gadgets are available for separation of different mediums including solid, liquid and gas chromatographical techniques. The company mostly sells its products through a large sales team which is specialized in different techniques of chromatography, using traditional marketing and selling strategies. The company has been doing good business in North America and has loyal customer base. Since...
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...ABCVEGGIES.com E-MARKETING PLAN ABCVEGGIES.COM’S PLAN FOR ONLINE EXPANSION Nanette Riggs 288311 QRT2 18 March 2013 PROPOSAL AND Marketing Plan ABCVEGGIES.COM’S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FOR ONLINE EXPANSION A1. Viability in an online market ABCveggies Today ABCveggies is an independent, organic farm, currently operating out of a warehouse located in the north end of Sarasota, FL since early 2009. The unique feature of ABCveggies is that the produce is grown on the roof of a warehouse located in a light industrial zone. ABCveggies is dedicated to the following principals: • Sustainable organic gardening • Feeding families • Education, and • Earning a living The business consists of a vertical grow system installed on the rooftop of the warehouse and has in place 200 poles, each with 6 stryofoam buckets, capable of growing at least 4 plants each, for a total minimum capacity of 4800 plants. The owner has an additional 5 acres of land available for installation of vertical grow systems, but doesn’t want to develop it ahead of a customer base to purchase the produce. While the owner has been operating the rooftop farm successfully since 2009, there is still not a very strong customer base. In order to expand the business and to develop a customer base consisting of substantial proportion of repeat clientele, the owner has decided to expand the online presence of the business. In order to determine the best design...
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...Jeff Bezos Amazon.com You would like to know more about how Jeff Bezos of Amazon.com transformed his idea for an online bookstore into a successful e-business. Write a one-page report describing how Jeff Bezos used his entrepreneurial abilities to create Amazon.com. “Jeffrey showed intense and varied scientific interests at an early age. He rigged an electric alarm to keep his younger siblings out of his room and converted his parents' garage into a laboratory for his science projects.” http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/bez0bio-1 “He entered Princeton University planning to study physics, but soon returned to his love of computers, and graduated with a degree in computer science and electrical engineering.” http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/bez0bio-1 In Jeff’s younger years he was still very committed to success and was very focused on his personal studies. Soon after graduating from Princeton University Jeffrey Bezos found employment at D.E. Shaw and quickly rose to the Vice President of the company. Soon after, he was faced with the challenge of looking into a new opportunity. He wanted to create a more efficient route to ordering products. http://www.achievement.org/autodoc/page/bez0bio-1 NEED TO TALK ABOUT SCALIBILITY!!! That he start first with books and had other product just recently “Books were the commodity for which no comprehensive mail order catalogue existed, because any such catalogue would be too big to mail; perfect for the Internet...
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...Gabrielle Lewis E-Business Part A: Develop an online business expansion proposal 1 Viability of product or service New Gainesville Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church is located at 1813 Floyd Road Gainesville, GA 30507. I met with Pastor Sepolen to discuss the current online presence of the church. He informed me that the only presence is Facebook. In terms of an online presence, New Gainesville SDA is virtually non-existent. Continuing my interview with Pastor Sepolen, I found out some of his goals for wanting to have an online presence. “The goal of the church is to win souls. That includes souls that are not in the neighborhood. Being online will allow us to reach more people”. I told him the first step is to analyze if going online would be a good decision. We brainstormed and came up with advantages of being online. In our research we came across a website, www.praizevision.com There slogan is “ Where technology meets worship”. The site has many churches that offer live streaming of their church services. This is so that people who are unable to make it to church for whatever reason, can go online and view their church and many others. This is a great tool for the church. More and more people are adapting to this new age of technology. Subscribing to a website like this can broaden the viability of New Gainesville SDA. It would be a great opportunity to reach more people. Not only would an online presence be beneficial to the church, but it would also benefit the members and...
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...Real Estate Office Website E-business Plan A. Develop an online business expansion proposal that includes the following: Viability of the product or service that the business offers in an online environment I have chosen to work with a local real estate office to help the company increase its online presence. The company has a website that was created and never updated, thus it is stagnant. The primary objective of an online presence for this company is to expand the marketing efforts of the company in the online arena, expand the market area, and increase sales. This will help the company provide specialized information to potential buyers and sellers of homes, as well as creating an awareness of the real estate office. As a result sales will increase. The goal of the online marketing for the real estate office is to give valuable information regarding the real estate market, attract new customers to the business, to create a relationship with these new customers and follow-through with excellent service. Create a new brand of internet marketing that improves communications with customers. This company needs to expand into online marketing, if not, the company will certainly be losing potential customers. The online marketing strategy needs to include creating a website which will be connected to the company’s other internet pages and profiles. These other pages and profiles should include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and YouTube. The company will use social media such...
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...Ⅰ. Introduction A. What is amazon? Amazon is an American electronic commerce company with headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest Internet-based retailer in the United States.[12] Amazon.com started as an online bookstore, but soon diversified, selling DVDs, VHSs, CDs, video and MP3 downloads/streaming, software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys, and jewelry. The company also produces consumer electronics—notably, Amazon Kindle e-book readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV and Fire Phone — and is a major provider of cloud computing services. Amazon also sells certain low-end products like USB cables under its inhouse brand AmazonBasics. Amazon has separate retail websites for United States, United Kingdom &Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Japan, China, India and Mexico. B. History of Amazon The company was founded in 1994, spurred by what Bezos called his "regret minimization framework", which described his efforts to fend off any regrets for not participating sooner in the Internet business boom during that time.[16] In 1994, Bezos left his employment as vice-president of D. E. Shaw &Co., a Wall Street firm, and moved to Seattle. He began to work on a business plan for what would eventually become Amazon.com. Jeff Bezos incorporated the company as "Cadabra" on July 5, 1994[11] and the site went online as Amazon.com in 1995.[17] Bezos changed the name cadabra.com to amazon.com because...
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...Executive Summary The Burrito Shack is a fast casual restaurant that has been in operation for three years. Its mission is to offer quality food in a fun atmosphere where the customer has various choices for an affordable meal. As the fast casual segment continues to grow, The Burrito Shack will look for various opportunities to grow and increase our revenue. One such way to do this is to increase our online presence as our tech savvy client base continue to use the internet, especially social media, to guide their decisions. Benefits of a Strong Online Presence There are many benefits for increasing our online presence. We will keep our brand in the forefront of people’s decisions. Using social media, we will keep the idea of our restaurant as a stop for lunch or dinner as a daily opportunity for our customers. Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) software, we can increase the likelihood of our website being visited by new customers. Using Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, we can use our customers’ preferences to tailor our offerings more to what they are looking for and address any concerns immediately to increase our customer loyalty as well as identify what new visitors are looking for. The benefits to the customer are that they will receive more deals in return for their loyalty. With social media, they will be kept up to date with any daily specials. With the CRM software, their wants as well as issues will be addressed in a timely fashion. In...
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....mw-tou_notice { position: relative; background: #eee url(//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0d/Gray-gradient1.png) repeat-x; border: solid 1px #C0C0C0; margin-bottom: 0.5em; } .mw-tou_notice:hover { cursor: pointer; } .mw-tou_notice-logo { position: relative; margin: 8px 0 10px 10px; width: 25px; height: 31px; background: url(//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/81/Wikimedia-logo.svg) no-repeat; float: left; } .mw-tou_notice-content { padding: 0px 50px 0 60px; text-align: center; position: relative; margin: auto; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 12px; } .mw-tou_notice-text { font-size: 12px; line-height: 1.7; } #mw-tou_notice-close { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; width: 27px; height: 32px; background: url(//bits.wikimedia.org/skins/common/images/closewindow19x19.png) no-repeat 50% 40%; z-index: 98; } Our updated Terms of Use[->0] will become effective on May 25, 2012. Find out more.[->1] Distance education From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about education over a distance. For learning that is spaced over time, see Distributed learning[->2]. Distance education or distance learning is a field of education that focuses on teaching methods and technology with the aim of delivering teaching, often on an individual basis, to students who are not physically present in a traditional educational setting such as a classroom. It has been described as "a process to create and provide access to learning when the source...
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...E-BUSINESS: Company name: Air Central HVAC; this company started about a year ago. Before starting this business the owners (a husband and wife team) stated they did a lot of research and reading before launching their business. A1: The public needs a business with the knowledge and integrity to service their heating and air systems. The company’s mission statement is to provide the highest quality service with integrity as a provider for residential and commercial customers. This company initially did a basic website to start, now they are interested in updating the website and make it more appealing to viewers. The website will also serve as a source for gathering information regarding what the customer wants and will help compete with other competitors as well. Additionally, the website will offer another way to get in touch with us besides calling. The advantages for going online it allows for a broad access to varying populations, especially in this technologic age. One of the challenges for online is how consuming it can be to maintain the website, to make sure pricing is updated, adding any specials or promotions for new or existing customers, and can be costly. A2: Current online competitor assessment a. The trends in HVAC industry depend largely on the economy. The economy influences whether a customer is going to repair or replace problem and in some cases ignore the problem until there is no other choice but to take care of the problem. Another trend...
Words: 4139 - Pages: 17
...E-BUSINESS: Company name: Air Central HVAC; this company started about a year ago. Before starting this business the owners (a husband and wife team) stated they did a lot of research and reading before launching their business. A1: The public needs a business with the knowledge and integrity to service their heating and air systems. The company’s mission statement is to provide the highest quality service with integrity as a provider for residential and commercial customers. This company initially did a basic website to start, now they are interested in updating the website and make it more appealing to viewers. The website will also serve as a source for gathering information regarding what the customer wants and will help compete with other competitors as well. Additionally, the website will offer another way to get in touch with us besides calling. The advantages for going online it allows for a broad access to varying populations, especially in this technologic age. One of the challenges for online is how consuming it can be to maintain the website, to make sure pricing is updated, adding any specials or promotions for new or existing customers, and can be costly. A2: Current online competitor assessment a. The trends in HVAC industry depend largely on the economy. The economy influences whether a customer is going to repair or replace problem and in some cases ignore the problem until there is no other choice but to take care of the problem. Another...
Words: 4139 - Pages: 17