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Ece 214 Week 5 Final Project


Submitted By BeverlyLowe
Words 659
Pages 3
Beverly Lowe
ECE:214 Nutrition & Health
Week # 4 Discussion Board # 1
Health & Wellness Appraisal
Each morning I greet the children, before they enter the classroom, I stoop or bend down to each and every one of them to access them for wellness checks. I look for signs of bruising, cuts, scrapes, runny noses, and I look into their eyes to see if they show any signs of discontentment, such as fever or not feeling well. I greet them with a smile and hug, and I tell them how very glad I am that they all arrived at school for that day. Miracle a 4-year-old bubbly preschooler, whom normally comes in with her mom every day, arrives today by way of the school bus. I instantly noticed when I knelt down to greet her, she still had on the same clothes from the previous day. Her hair was matted and mangled, and she look just dis-shelved, and unkempt. When I looked into her eyes, I notice sadness and tears in her eyes. I hug her and told her I was glad she was at school with us, and I ask her was she O.K.? She looked at me and told me no, and that they had slept outside because mommy couldn’t pay the bills and they don’t have a house.
I immediately knew that this situation caused for immediate action. So I asked my Co-Teacher if she would take over class, and I went and talked with the Director of the academy. She told me she would handle it and get with me before the end of the day. She also asked me if I didn’t mind locating Miracles’ cubby, and wash her up and change her clothes, and comb her hair. I did as she asked, as well as in addition I made sure she ate breakfast before sending her to class. I also assured Miracle that everything was going to be alright. Miracle was sent to join the rest of the class. Before the end of the nap schedule came, the director came and told me that, Miracle is experiencing Trauma, as a result of her mother losing her

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