ECON 340 Mathematical Economics Fall 2002 Optional Exam 4
10 December, 2002, 1:00 PM Name
Instructions This is the fourth midterm examination for Econ 340, fall 2002 semester, at George Mason
University. Due to the recent class cancellation, I may not be able to require you to take this examination, therefore you may take this exam at your option. It would be to your advantage to take the exam in the sense that it allows you to spread the weight of your midterm exams over four exams as opposed to three. If you are struggling in the class, this is an excellent opportunity to improve your grade. George Mason University is an honor code institution. You shall conduct yourself in accordance with the Honor Code of George Mason University during this examination. You may consult your book and notes while completeing this exam. However, you may not seek any other outside assistance. This includes, but is not limited to, other students in the class, friends, family, or other professors (except myself if you have a question). If anyone is caught violating the honor code, you will be reported according to the rules of George Mason University. You have until 1:00 PM, Tuesday, December 10, 2002, to complete the following questions. I estimate the exam should not take much more than one hour of your time to complete.
Turning in your exam You may physically hand in your exam at the Economics Department before
1:00 PM by either handing it to me personally or to one of the department secretaries (Karen or Cathy). You may also email your exam to me before the due date/time. Finally, you may also fax your exam to 703-993-1133 (note the fax number on the syllabus is incorrect). 1. Suppose it is late in the semester and you have two exams left. You must decide how to allocate your working time during the study period. After eating, sleeping, exercising, and maintaining some