...UNISA Subject: EDAHOD5 The Educator as Assessor Student: Brett Mordaunt Student Number: 4079-243-9 Assignment number: 1 Unique Number: 827947 Question 1: Illustrate your thinking about assessment by describing three separate assessment tasks/activities your learners have to do in your subject/learning area and which you or your learners have to assess. Your descriptions must be in response to 14 very specific aspects/strategies of assessment. These 14 aspects/strategies are included below as 14 questions. 1. Subject/learning area, lesson topic, and grade to be assessed: Subject/learning area: English – Home Language Lesson topic: The lesson topic is types of writing texts: write a narrative essay. Learners are to plan, prepare and write a narrative essay. The topic will be given in both writing and as a corresponding pictorial representation. Grade: 8 2. Learning outcome to be assessed In accordance with the CAPS document, the learning outcome for this assessment is imaginative formulation, writing and presenting a written essay. To complete this task the learner will need to do/demonstrate the following: • Use language to think and reason out creative ideas • Apply the reasoning process to capturing ideas and transfer them to written words • Write and present a mixed variety of factual and creative texts to suit a variety of purposes. • The learner will know and be able to use the sounds, words and grammar of the English language to complete...
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...EDAHOD5 ASSIGNMENT 2 UNIQUE NUMBER : 198446 DUE DATE 18 SEPTEMBER 2013 QUESTION 1 Assessment Activity : Conduct a practical investigation to determine the effect on the rate of a chemical reaction by one of the factors of temperature, surface area or concentration. Assessment Checklist Learners Name & Surname : Physical Sciences Task : Practical Investigation of Effect on Rate of Reaction by temperature, surface area or concentration Date : Criteria Investigative Question Hypothesis Variables Correctly Identified Table of Results Graph of Results Conclusion Yes/No Grade 12 Assessment Grid Learners Name & Surname : Physical Sciences Task : Practical Investigation of Effect on Rate of Reaction by temperature, surface area or concentration Date : Criteria Investigative Question clearly stated Hypothesis Formulated Independent, Dependent and Constant Variables Correctly Identified and stated Experiment designed and steps clearly set out Results of experiment tabulated Results represented graphically Conclusion and Evaluation TOTAL MARKS : 20 Marks 2 2 3 5 3 3 2 Grade 12 RUBRIC TO ASSESS PRACTICAL INVESTIGATION ON EFFECT ON RATE OF REACTION BY TEMPERATURE, SURFACE AREA OR CONCENTRATION NAME OF LEARNER : DATE : CRITERIA LEVEL0 LEVEL1 LEVEL2 LEVEL3 LEVEL4 GRADE 12 Conducts a practical investigation Did not attempt or completely incorrect. Correctly plans a practical investigation by identifying correct investigative question, hypothesis, variables and apparatus...
Words: 2604 - Pages: 11
...THE EDUCATOR AS ASSESSOR EDAHOD5 ASSIGNMENT 2 BY STUDENT NUMBER: 33686735 TABLE OF CONTENT QUESTION 1 1. ASSESSMENT TASK 1.1 ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST 1.2 ASSESSMENT GRID 1.3 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC QUESTION 2 2.1 ASSESSMENT PLANNING 2.2 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITIES 2.2.1 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY FOR LESSON TOPIC: CARTOON 2.2.2 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY FOR LESSON TOPIC: PERSUASIVE ESSAY 2.2.3 ASSESSMENT ACTIVITY FOR LESSON TOPIC: MOVIE POSTER BIBLIOGRAPHY QUESTION 1 1. ASSESSMENT TASK Design a personal planner that covers the week from Monday to Sunday. Clearly mark the times starting from 6am to 10pm. Use a table format for your planner. Give your planner an appropriate title. Fill in a minimum of four activities that occupy your day. Colour code your priorities clearly and indicate what each colour means e.g. Red = important. 1.1 ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST Checklist for personal planner | Yes/no | 1. Title provided | | 2. Correct format used | | 3. Days clearly indicated | | 4. Times correctly indicated | | 5. Activities filled in on planner | | 6. Priorities clearly shown | | 7. Planner colour coded | | 8. Meaning of colour indicated | | Minimum standard: 8 | 1.2 ASSESSMENT GRID Learner’s name: Grade: Assessor: Date: Criteria | Maximum | Student’s mark | 1. Title provided | 1 | | 2. Correct format used | 2 | | 3. Days clearly indicated | 7 | | 4. Times correctly indicated | 3 | | 5. Activities filled in on planner | 4 | ...
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