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Edna Pontellier's Role In The Awakening

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In the Awakening, we see the change of a woman, and in the process from her start to her downfall, we see sacrifices made , in which her values are revealed. As the novel progresses, the main character- Edna Pontellier seems to alter her values as she sacrifices the things she once valued the most for her own satisfaction. At the start of the novel, Edna is portrayed as a modest, moralistic housewife, who values her children above all, and she strongly values her image. Edna Pontellier valued others’ perception of her. Edna was a very affluent housewife, who maintained an image of the ideal housewife in the eyes of society. Edna cared for her children while her husband was away, and made her marriage out to be perfect when in the presence of others, despite its struggle behind closed doors. …show more content…
Robert was a man in his twenties, whom attempted to flatter Edna, and catch her eye, however Edna was too modest and moralistic to make anything of it. As Edna’s marriage began to struggle, her conflicts with Mr. Pontellier drove her away from him. Edna eventually began to see Robert differently, and she began to spend more time with him. During this time, Edna was doing so for her own pleasure, as a result of her struggles. Edna went her once strongly embedded morals and values, and betrayed herself, and not only her husband but her family. Edna began to sacrifice her family’s trust for her newly found love. From this we can see that Edna values her own happiness above all

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