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Edu 644 Week 4 Assignment School-Based Efforts a Plan to Support at-Risk Youth


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EDU 644 Week 4 Assignment School-Based Efforts A Plan to Support At-Risk Youth
To Buy This material Click below link This assignment is an opportunity for you to apply what you learned from this week’s discussions in a relevant way based on your own preferred area of focus. In this assignment, you will look through the lens of a particular professional role that you either have related experience in or intend to take in an anticipated professional practice. The roles to select from relate to one or more professions that are integral to assisting children and families at risk. Assuming the role of the professional you have identified, your task in this assignment is to prepare a professional presentation for a diverse group of professionals, such as school principals or district administrators, social service providers or community outreach providers, medical professionals, and other related service providers.
Using the information gleaned from the two discussions this week and the National Center for School Engagement website, as well as the three articles listed under Required Resources as supporting research, you will prepare a professional presentation with the purpose of informing participants of facts pertaining to youth at risk as it relates to student academic success. Additionally, your goal is to not only bring awareness to the forefront regarding truancy, parental involvement, special education and more, but to show the relationship each group of professionals has to the subject of academic success for students at risk—the role they play in contributing to that success. Moreover, the presentation offers an opportunity for the various professionals to collaborate in an effort to problem-solve or devise potential solutions to any of the specific areas identified as being problematic. Your presentation will be included in the Week Six Final Project and should include enhancements based on the feedback gained from its evaluation during Week Four.
Create your assignment using the content and written communication instructions below. Use the Grading Rubric to review your assignment before submission to ensure you have met the distinguished performance for each of the components described below. For additional assistance, review the Week Four Instructor Guidance page and, if needed, contact the instructor for further clarifications using the Ask Your Instructor discussion. Additionally, this assignment will be added to your website.
Content Instructions
Use the presentation software of your choice or consider one of the recommendations in the Recommended Resources for Week Four. Submit your presentation for evaluation to the Week Four Assignment location and upload it as an attachment or link to your Students at Risk page in your website.
• Introduction (1 points): Create an introduction that states the role you have assumed, the audience your presentation is for, and the purpose of the presentation.
• Youth At Risk (3 points): Present at least eight indicators (examples) of youth at risk, such as those shared by,, those listed as Recommended Resources, or others discussed during Weeks One thru Four of this course, citing the National Center for School Engagement website and at least one additional scholarly source. Students with learning disabilities must be included as one of the eight indicators.
• Effects and Implications (2 point): Present seven-to-eight behaviors associated with being at-risk and three potential short- and long-term implications of these behaviors on a student’s ability to achieve academic success. Cite the National Center for School Engagement website and at least one additional scholarly source.
• Solutions – Create a Framework (2 points): Present three points related to the school’s role in establishing youth development philosophies, such as approaches for creating a positive school climate that encouraging positive relationships between adults and youth and professional to professional. Cite the National Center for School Engagement website and at least one additional scholarly source.
• Solutions: Integrating a Framework (2 points): Present what schools can do specifically to integrate the framework with staff, community, and parental support/involvement. Include a successful program, model, strategy, or approach to serve as an example of a potential solution. Cite theNational Center for School Engagement website, the source of your example, and at least one additional scholarly source.
• Participant Activity (2 points): Construct an engaging activity that encourages the audience for the presentation to provide feedback regarding their own respective, potential role in supporting a school’s efforts to create and integrate a framework for students at risk, that encourages ideas for potential solutions, and states how participants will interact, collaborate, and share ideas to all in attendance.
• Slide Design (1 points): Seven-to-ten slides that use relevant graphics, sound, and/or animation that assist in presenting the overall main point. Slides have a consistent theme, format, and font that augment the readability of the presentation.
Written Communication Instructions
• Syntax and Mechanics (1 point): Display meticulous comprehension and organization of syntax and mechanics, such as spelling and grammar. Written work contains no errors and is very easy to understand.
• Source Requirement (1 points): Utilize at least two additional scholarly sources in addition to the National Center for School Engagementwebsite and required articles. All sources on the references page need to be used and cited correctly within the body of the assignment.
For more Assignments visit

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