Study Tips Quiz
1. Beliefs that make you stupid: Which of the following beliefs are valid in regard to gaining knowledge or studying?
a. Learning is fast.
b. Knowledge is made up of isolated points or facts.
c. Getting good at a subject is a matter of inborn talent.
d. Some people are good at multitasking.
e. None of the above. 2. Which of the following is the most important way to gain knowledge by studying? a. Have the intention to learn. b. Pay close attention to the materials. c. Using your own learning style. d. The time you spend studying. e. The depth of the process you use.
3. Which of the following strategies are steps to deep learning strategies?
a. Deciding what is distinctive or different about the information.
b. Elaboration – associating the subject to another concept.
c. Deciding how you relate to the subject or concept personally.
d. Memorizing isolated facts when necessary – decide how it must be used when and if retrieved.
e. Automaticity – the more you use the study habits developed, the more skill you develop in studying.
f. All of the above 4. Describe what is meant by deep or shallow learning?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5. Describe the concept of overlearning:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 6. In study strategies the speaker discusses the use of question generation. Discuss how this is applied to learning/study.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 7. How does the use of concept maps help with studying?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. If group study is utilized, how does the speaker suggest that the group study be organized?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Mark all of the following suggestions that apply to good study habits: a. Review mistakes or items missed on tests & quizzes. Decide whether or not your notes reflect what you needed to know.
b. Correct bad study habits.
c. Speak to the professor if you are having a difficult time understanding the info or what is expected of you.
d. Commit time & effort with minimal distractions.
e. Attend only those classes that you really need to.
f. Set your goals high. The higher the better.
g. Don’t give away points – turn things in and on time.
h. Cram. This helps last minute studying.
i. Change your study habits if you are not getting the desired results.
10. Remember, faculty are not your________________.