...1. Create a map chart to show the number of banks in each zip code (variable name “zip”. If you see more than one zip code for a bank, use the first one). I have created a symbol map chart (geographical) by taking Zip and Name dimensions. In order to find the number of banks in each zip code, I have used the count function. It can be seen that the number of banks are more on the east coast as compared to the west coast. ------------------------------------------------- Also for example, zipcode 62401 has 3 banks in it whereas 85390 zipcode has only one bank on the west coast. 2. Create a map chart to show the median ROE (variable “roe”) for banks headquartered in each state (“state”). I have added geographic role to the state dimension (stalp) and added the median function to the ROE measure. I have selected the filled map chart and used colors where: ------------------------------------------------- A state MT has ROE over positive 12 but state AZ which is in RED is in negative. 3. Create a bar chart with “state” on the horizontal axis, and trellis based on FDIC regions (“fdicdbs”) (i.e. one bar charts for each FDIC region). The height of the bars should be the number of banks headquartered in each state, and the color of the bar should reflect the variance of ROE among those banks. I have taken fdicdbs and stalp dimensions as my columns and I am counting the No of records (measure) in the rows. Along with this I am including the ROE variance across...
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