Premium Essay



Submitted By annoyingkid101
Words 1774
Pages 8
School of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management
VISION Mapúa shall be an international center of excellence in technology education by:  providing instructions that are current in content and state-of-the art in delivery;  engaging in cutting-edge research; and  responding to the big local and global technological challenges of the times

MISSION a) The mission of Mapúa Institute of Technology is to disseminate, generate, preserve and apply scientific, engineering, architectural and IT knowledge. b) The Institute shall, using the most effective means, provide its students with professional and advanced scientific and engineering, architectural and information technology education through rigorous and upto-date academic programs with ample opportunities for the exercise of creativity and the experience of discovery. c) It shall implement curricula that, while being steeped in technologies, shall also be rich in the humanities, languages and social sciences that will inculcate ethics. d) The Institute shall advance and preserve knowledge by undertaking research and reporting on the results of such inquiries. e) The Institute, singly or in collaboration with others, shall bring to bear the world's vast store of knowledge in science, engineering and other realms on the problems of the industry and the community in order to make the Philippines and the world a better place. MISSION a 1. To prepare students for a professional Engineering Management career including a vital role in the overall management of organizations with an orientation to manufacturing, engineering, technology or production. 2. To provide students knowledge and skills in the areas of management of technology, product and process, quality, organizational management, operations management, program management, marketing and finance. 3. To educate

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