...ASSESSMENT BSBRSK501B MANAGE RISK Assessment tool 1 Assessment activity 1: Review organisational processes, procedures and requirements for undertaking risk management 1. Create your own definitions for the following terms: a) Risk: A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action. b) Risk management: The identification, analysis, assessment, control, and avoidance, minimization, or elimination of unacceptable risks. c) Risk appetite: The amount a business is willing to place at risk in the pursuit of its objectives d) Risk capacity: The amount a business is capable of loosing before it endangers its own sustainability 2. Comment on the following saying in relation to the risk management policies and practices of an organisation: “ Organisations that fail to plan, plan to fail” If an organization does not have a risk plan is likely that any risk occurring with negative consequences occur organization. If the organization has a risk prevention plan is very likely that the risk does not occur and the organization and its workers could produce know how to deal with the negative consequences of that risk to minimize that consequences. Assessment activity 2: Determine scope for risk management process Case study Advantages: It will be holistic. Disadvantages: It will require extensive resources to conduct it properly...
Words: 6375 - Pages: 26
...8DP, UK 30 Corporate Drive, Suite 400, Burlington, MA 01803, USA First edition 2009 Copyright © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Permissions may be sought directly from Elsevier’s Science & Technology Rights Department in Oxford, UK: phone (144) (0) 1865 843830; fax (144) (0) 1865 853333; email: permissions@elsevier.com. Alternatively you can submit your request online by visiting the Elsevier web site at http://elsevier.com/locate/permissions, and selecting Obtaining permission to use Elsevier material Notice No responsibility is assumed by the publisher for any injury and/or damage to persons or property as a matter of products liability, negligence or otherwise, or from any use or operation of any methods, products, instructions or ideas contained in the material herein. Because of rapid advances in the medical sciences, in particular, independent verification of diagnoses and drug dosages should be made. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress ISBN–13: 978-0-7506-8650-1 For information on all Butterworth-Heinemann publications visit our website...
Words: 89973 - Pages: 360
...210 2/3/10 4:37:12 PM user-f498 /Users/user-f498/Desktop/03:02_evening/MHBR165:Larson:208 C H A P T E R S E V E N Managing Risk Estimate 5 Project networks 6 Schedule resources & costs 8 l iona rnat Inte ojects pr 15 Define project 4 Reducing duration 9 Introduction 1 Organization 3 Managing risk 7 Monitoring progress 13 Project closure 14 16 Oversig ht 17 Agile P M Strategy 2 Leadership 10 Teams 11 Outsourcing 12 18 Career paths Managing Risk Risk Management Process Step 1: Risk Identification Step 2: Risk Assessment Step 3: Risk Response Development Opportunity Management Contingency Planning Contingency Funding and Time Buffers Step 4: Risk Response Control Change Control Management Summary Appendix 7.1: PERT and PERT Simulation 210 Lar03342_ch07_210-251.indd Page 211 1/30/10 4:54:39 PM user-f501 /Users/user-f501/Desktop/Tempwork/JANUARY 2010/30-01-10/MHBR165:Lars You’ve got to go out on a limb sometimes because that’s where the fruit is. Will Rogers Every project manager understands risks are inherent in projects. No amount of planning can overcome risk, or the inability to control chance events. In the context of projects, risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on project objectives. A risk has a cause and, if it occurs, a consequence. For example, a cause may be a flu virus or change in scope requirements. The event is that...
Words: 18517 - Pages: 75
...Programme 1994 Disaster and Development This training module has been funded by the United Nations Development Programme in collaboration with the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator for the Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) in association with the University of Wisconsin Disaster Management Center. This material draws substantially on the work of Mary Anderson and Fred Cuny, and on United Nations Development Programme and World Bank Guidelines. The draft for this text was reviewed by Yasemin Aysan and Ian Davis, Oxford Polytechnic Disaster Management Centre and Gustavo Wilches-Chaux. Editorial services, including design, educational components and formatting, have been provided by InterWorks. Design consultation and desktop publishing have been provided by Artifax. Cover Photo: Destruction of a bridge by flood waters. VIZDOK photo The first edition of this module was printed in 1991. Utilization and duplication of the material in this module is permissible, however, source attribution to the Disaster Management Training Programme (DMTP) is required. 4 CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................... 7 The relationship between disasters and development ............................. 9 Definition of terms ....................................................................................... 11 How disaster effects can vary from one type of hazard to another ...
Words: 18124 - Pages: 73
...Guide to Enterprise Risk Management F R E Q U E N T LY A S K E D Q U E S T I O N S Guide to Enterprise Risk Management: Frequently Asked Questions Page No. Introduction The Fundamentals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. What is Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)? Why implement ERM? How does the scope of ERM compare to existing risk management approaches? What is the value proposition for implementing ERM? Which companies are implementing ERM? If companies are not implementing ERM, then what are they doing? Who is responsible for ERM? What are the steps companies can take immediately to implement ERM? Is ERM applicable to smaller and less complex organizations? Why have companies that have tried to implement ERM failed in their efforts? Does implementation of ERM ensure the success of a business? What is the difference between ERM and management? What does it mean to “implement ERM”? Generally, how long does it take to implement ERM? Is there any way to benchmark the level of investment required to implement ERM? Don’t successfully run companies already apply ERM? How long has ERM been around and why is there a renewed focus on it? What percentage of public companies currently have an ERM process or system? Is there an example of effective ERM as it is applied in practice? How does the application of ERM vary by industry? Are there any organizations that need not implement ERM? What are the regulatory mandates for implementing...
Words: 83481 - Pages: 334
...436_XSS_FM.qxd 4/20/07 1:18 PM Page ii 443_Disaster_Rec_FM.qxd 5/25/07 3:07 PM Page i Visit us at w w w. s y n g r e s s . c o m Syngress is committed to publishing high-quality books for IT Professionals and delivering those books in media and formats that fit the demands of our customers. We are also committed to extending the utility of the book you purchase via additional materials available from our Web site. SOLUTIONS WEB SITE To register your book, visit www.syngress.com/solutions. Once registered, you can access our solutions@syngress.com Web pages. There you may find an assortment of valueadded features such as free e-books related to the topic of this book, URLs of related Web sites, FAQs from the book, corrections, and any updates from the author(s). ULTIMATE CDs Our Ultimate CD product line offers our readers budget-conscious compilations of some of our best-selling backlist titles in Adobe PDF form. These CDs are the perfect way to extend your reference library on key topics pertaining to your area of expertise, including Cisco Engineering, Microsoft Windows System Administration, CyberCrime Investigation, Open Source Security, and Firewall Configuration, to name a few. DOWNLOADABLE E-BOOKS For readers who can’t wait for hard copy, we offer most of our titles in downloadable Adobe PDF form. These e-books are often available weeks before hard copies, and are priced affordably. SYNGRESS OUTLET Our outlet store at syngress...
Words: 189146 - Pages: 757
...SC Response to Terrorism Project MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics “Supply Chain Response to Terrorism: Creating Resilient and Secure Supply Chains” Supply Chain Response to Terrorism Project Interim Report of Progress and Learnings August 8, 2003 This report was pre pared by James B. Rice, Jr. of the MIT Center for Transportation and Logistics (CTL) and Federico Caniato of Politecnico di Milano for the Supply Chain Response to Terrorism Project team with contributions from team members Jonathan Fleck, Deena Disraelly, Don Lowtan, Reshma Lensing and Chris Pickett. This work was conducted under the direction of Professor Yossi Sheffi, CTL Director. Please contact James B. Rice, Jr. of CTL (jrice@mit.edu or 617.258.8584) if you have any questions or if you would like to discuss this report. 08/12/2003 1 SC Response to Terrorism Project Supply Chain Response to Terrorism Project: Interim Report of Progress and Learnings 1 2 Executive summary........................................................................................................... 4 Research introduction and background ............................................................................. 6 2.1 Introduction................................................................................................................ 6 2.2 Background Research ................................................................................................ 6 2.3 Project...
Words: 28274 - Pages: 114
...THE BRITISH COMPUTER SOCIETY Case Study of Successful Complex IT Projects AUGUST 2006 Case Study of Successful, Complex IT Projects Table of Contents Executive Summary .......................................................................................................3 Introduction....................................................................................................................5 Background to the study ............................................................................................5 The complexity of IT projects....................................................................................6 Part I: Research Methodology .....................................................................................11 Part II: Case Description..............................................................................................14 eCourier company background ................................................................................14 eCourier industry background..................................................................................16 eCourier technological issues ..................................................................................16 LogicaCMG company background..........................................................................17 LogicaCMG industry background ...........................................................................18 LogicaCMG technological issues ...............................
Words: 18415 - Pages: 74
...Project Management in the OSCE A Manual for Programme and Project Managers Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Development, Coordination and Design This manual is designed and developed by the OSCE Secretariat’s Conflict Prevention Centre, Programming and Evaluation Support Unit (CPC/PESU). Main Author: Sebnem Lust, Programme and Project Evaluation Officer Co-Authors: Laura Vai, Head of Programming and Evaluation Support Unit Sean McGreevy, Project Co-ordination Officer Editor: Keith Jinks Designer: Nona Reuter Published by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe OSCE Secretariat CPC/PESU Wallnerstrasse 6 1010 Vienna Austria Telephone: +43 1 514 36 6122 Fax: +43 1 514 36 6996 www.osce.org Email: pcc-at@osce.org © 2010 OSCE ISBN: 978-92-9234-301-9 Rights and Permissions: All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may be freely used and copied for educational and other non-commercial purposes, provided that any such reproduction is accompanied by an acknowledgement of the OSCE as the source. ii Acknowledgements This manual contains comprehensive guidance on how the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe applies the Project Cycle Management method and the Logical Framework Approach to its project work, as well as essential information on the political, programmatic, regulatory and information technology aspects of project management. The manual’s purpose is to ensure coherence, consistency and transparency...
Words: 66299 - Pages: 266
...The Optimal Reference Book: Project Management Success Factors Extraordinary insight™ into today’s education information topics Table of Contents Why 70% of Government IT Projects Fail, Quality Project Management for Education Agencies .............................................................................................. 5 About the Author.................................................................................................... 8 Foreword................................................................................................................. 9 Selecting the Right Vendor to Manage Your Project .............................................. 11 Project Governance........................................................................................... 13 Project Risk ....................................................................................................... 14 Issue Management............................................................................................ 14 Education Agency Uniqueness .......................................................................... 14 Unfunded Mandates and Local Control............................................................. 15 ESP’s Quality Project Management (QPM) for Education Agencies ......................... 16 QPM Overview.................................................................................................. 16 QPM Principles...............................................
Words: 28042 - Pages: 113
...Process and Change Management and Risk Management [Name of the Writer] [Name of the Institution] Process and Change Management Introduction The underlying task has discussed the detailed information about the process and change management. The underlying topic has discussed the change management of the airport services. How the management of the airplane terminal administrations has changed and what are the effects of changing the administration of the air terminal administrations. A high extent of expensive air terminal operation administration disturbances can be followed back frequently ineffectively organized or deficiently controlled changes to the airplane terminal operation administration scene. These unsettling influences can come about today reliance of business procedures move from the IT huge expenses. This legitimizes interest in airplane terminal operation forms in which any adjustment as far as the requirements and advantages and will be tried for the conceivable negative impacts back and the obstruction can be lessened by taking proper measures to an adequate least. It is consequently the assignment of change managment to guarantee that institutionalized strategies and methods for the execution of changes exist and these are utilized effectively and reliably. The change administration procedure of each organization comprises of a few stages. These strides are important to take keeping in mind the end goal to change the administration. The change administration...
Words: 6314 - Pages: 26
...Bonus Audio on the CD Includes Real-World Scenarios and Leading-Edge Exam Prep Software Featuring: Updated for the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), Fourth Edition • Custom Test Engine • Hundreds of Sample Questions • Chapter Review in Audio Format • Electronic Flashcards • Entire Book in PDF PMP Fifth Edition SERIOUS SKILLS. ® Project Management Professional Exam STUDY GUIDE Kim Heldman Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide Fifth Edition PMP ® Project Management Professional Exam Study Guide Fifth Edition PMP ® Kim Heldman Acquisitions Editor: Jeff Kellum Development Editor: Alexa Murphy Technical Editors: Terri Wagner and Brett Feddersen Production Editor: Christine O’Connor Copy Editor: Judy Flynn Production Manager: Tim Tate Vice President and Executive Group Publisher: Richard Swadley Vice President and Publisher: Neil Edde Project Manager 1: Laura Moss-Hollister Associate Producer: Angie Denny Quality Assurance: Josh Frank Book Designers: Judy Fung, Bill Gibson Compositor: Craig Woods, Happenstance Type-O-Rama Proofreader: Publication Services, Inc. Indexer: Nancy Guenther Project Coordinator, Cover: Lynsey Stanford Cover Designer: Ryan Sneed Copyright © 2009 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana Published simultaneously in Canada ISBN: 978-0-470-45558-6 No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic...
Words: 241705 - Pages: 967
...Training Manual A common sense approach to learning and understanding PRINCE2 Version 1.0i (Check latest version) Covers the PRINCE2 Practitioner syllabus Link to PRINCE2 Foundation Self Study guide Link to PRINCE2 Practitioner Self Study guide Sample By Frank Turley, The PRINCE2 Coach MgmtPlaza – Affiliate of TAG Practitioner Level The PRINCE2® Practitioner Training Manual ii The PRINCE2® Practitioner Training Manual Thank you for reading our PRINCE2 Training Manual. The main objective of this book is to provide an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand PRINCE2® manual. The idea for this book came from the questions I received from people trying to learn PRINCE2 and after reading the official PRINCE2 manual “Managing Successful Projects with PRINCE2”. The official PRINCE2 Manual for the Project Manager is an excellent reference manual but can be rather difficult to pick up and read if you are new to both project management and PRINCE2. So this book is meant to be – and is – an easy introduction to PRINCE2 and is quickly becoming the most read book for people wishing to learn about PRINCE2 and prepare for Foundation Exam and Practitioner Exam. Feedback: We welcome any feedback (suggests to improve or corrections), Feedback The Swirl logo™ is a Trademark of the Office of Government Commerce PRINCE2 ® is a Registered Trademark of the Office of Government Commerce in the United Kingdom and other countries Free PRINCE2Self Study Course We offer a free...
Words: 108152 - Pages: 433
...“Business continuity planning (BCP) ‘identifies an organization's exposure to internal and external threats and synthesizes hard and soft assets to provide effective prevention and recovery for the organization, while maintaining competitive advantage and value system integrity’. It is also called business continuity and resiliency planning (BCRP). A business continuity plan is a roadmap for continuing operations under adverse conditions such as a storm or a crime,” (Business continuity planning, n.d.). 1. Analyze strategic pre-incident changes the company would follow to ensure the well-being of the enterprise: Notes: outline proactive suggestions that can be made in advance of potential risks actuating into disaster, e.g., training, drills, company policies and procedures and so forth. Create strategic pre-incident strategy that incorporates the following elements and considerations: • Identify potential risks for each IPC business operation in all its domestic and international locations. This identification process may include: Potential risks may be inherent to the various IPC business operations. For example, refinery business operation inherent risks may include occupational hazards such as fires due to highly flammable chemicals. Another such example may include toxic chemical spills that may affect IPC stakeholders such as its employees, chain supply entities, residents living near such refineries, the environment and animals living within such affected...
Words: 9611 - Pages: 39
...internal control Qver Financial Reporting CASES INCLUDED iN THIS SECTiON 1. Simply Steam, Co. 155 Evaluation of Internal Control Environment 2. Easy Clean, Co. 155 Evaluation of Internal Control Environment 3. Red Bluff Inn & Café 165 Establishing Effective Internal Control in a Small Business 4. St. James Clothiers 169 Evaluation of Manual and IT-Based Sales Accounting System Risks 5. Collins Harp Enterprises 177 Recommending IT Systems Development Controls 6. Sarbox Scooter, Inc. 185 Scoping and Evaluation Judgments in the Audit of Internal Control over Financial Reporting 7. Société Générale 195 How a Low-Risk Trading Area Caused a $7.2 Billion Loss case5.!-2 Easy Clean/Simply Steam, Co. Evaluation of Internal Control Environment Mark S. Beasley • Frank A. Buckless • Steven M. Glover • Douglas F. Prawitt INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES 1] To reinforce aspects relevant to the internal control environment. 2] To illustrate the degree of judgment involved in making internal control environment evaluations. 3] To provide students experience in making subjective evaluative judgments. 4] To provide a forum to discuss inquiry techniques as well as inquiry as a form of audit evidence. 5] To provide students direct experience with, and discovery of, issues surrounding the control environment, making inquiries, and the framing (e.g., positive or negative) of information provided by management. 6] To illustrate the...
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