...on the Mississippi River and interstate 55. It has a population of 3154 residents, and it is considered as a small community in United States. New Madrid, MO is located at 36.59° North latitude, 89.53° West longitude and about 89 meters altitude above the sea level. Geographic coordinates: Latitude: 36.59° North Longitude: 89.53° West Altitude: 89 m [pic] 3. General geologic setting: A state’s general geologic setting basically includes what types of rock has build up the overall region, what structural features that state has, like, mountains and faults. It also includes plate tectonic setting and also an overall geologic map. 3.1. Geologic map: [pic] 3.2. Plate tectonic setting: The middle of the North American tectonic plate actually contains the new Madrid fault zone. One of the attribute of this plate is, this plate is thinner and weaker near to its center. As a result, it formed a rift zone....
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