7.1 Characterization of drug
7.1.1: Identification of drug
The received samples were identified by various tests. The results are as shown below.
• Organoleptic properties:
Table 7.1: Organoleptic properties of Aspirin
Organoleptic properties Observations
Colour White or off white
Odour Odourless
Description Crystalline powder
Melting Point 1400C-1450C
7.1.2: Solubility study
Table 7.2: Solubility data in different solvents
Solvent Solubility (mg/250mL) Solubility (mg/mL) Aspirin Aspirin
Water 23.996 0.096
0.1 N HCl 23.641 0.094
Acetate buffer pH 4.5 23.469 0.098
Phosphate Buffer pH 6.8 23.350 0.093
7.1.3: Physical properties Table 7.3: Physical Evaluation of Aspirin
Physical properties Observations
Bulk density(gm/mL) 0.682
Tap density(gm/mL) 0.883
Carr’s index (%) 22.72%
Hausner’s ratio 1.29
7.1.4: Fourier transforms infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy
The IR spectrum of the pure Aspirin sample was recorded by FTIR Spectrometer is shown in Figure 7.1 which was compared with standard functional group frequencies of Aspirin as shown in Table 7.4
Table 7.4: Reported and observed IR frequencies of Aspirin
Functional groups (Observed Frequency)
(cm-1) (Reported Frequency)
O-H-(Stretch) 3350.00 3100-3500
O-H stretch from CO-OH dimer 2991.59 3200-2800
Aromatic C-H stretch 3015.99 3150-3050
Aliphatic C-H Stretch 2898.28 2950-2850
-C=O stretch 1695.82 1700
Aromatic C=C stretch 1548.73 1600-1500
Aromatic C-H bending 713.46 600-850 The Functional group frequencies of Aspirin were in the reported range which indicates that the obtained sample was of Aspirin and was pure.
Figure 7.1: FTIR spectrum of pure Aspirin
7.1.5: Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
The DSC spectrum of pure drug was obtained and is given in Figure 7.2. Drug shows Sharp melting endotherm at 143.51°C, which is the melting point of drug.