People are different, but then again how different are people actually? In the following texts we hear about research some journalists have been doing and about their results.
The text “The Sandra Bullock Trade” is about a differences and similarities between Wealth and happiness. We hear about Sandra Bullock who won an Academy Award followed by the news reports claiming that her husband is an adulterous jerk. The question now is: if you experience a professional success like that and afterwards experience a personal failure, would you be fine about it? Does they equal out?
David Brooks writes that personal success is more important to us than professional success. But it’s not as simple as that, for example he writes that if a country goes from poor to middle-class the country become happier. He compares happiness with money when he writes “..Joining a group that meets even just ones a month produces the same happiness as doubling your income”. He concludes with saying that the professional success only exists on the surface of life and personal success is deeper and more important.
In the text “But will it make you happy?” starts out with a lot of facts and information.
But one of the differences is that in text 1 he tells us about his research at concludes that personal success will in the end be the best source to happiness. Stephanie Rosenbloom is more detailed, she gives examples like “..People are happier when they spend money on experiences instead of material objects..” But there will be some to disagree to that. She gives an example about fashion lovers, for them buying clothes are an experience itself, and therefore it brings them happiness.
The research leads to different conclusions, but the overall impression from the research is that personal success will be the winner. But it varies as Stephanie Rosenbloom ends her column with “some days, you want a trip, she says; other days, you want a Tom Ford handbag”