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El Patron's Power In The House Of The Scorpion

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Pages 2
The Novel The House of The Scorpion is “An inspiring tale of friendship, survival, hope and transcendence.”-Kirkus Reviews, Starred Review. In the The House of The Scorpion, by Nancy Farmer, the idea of power influences many of the conflicts in the book. Matt's character is most greatly impacted by el patron's power, the realization of being a clone, the realization of being just an extra part and One example of conflict is when matt the idea of el patron's power. “El Patrón laughed. ‘That's the stuff, Mi Vida. Get rid of your enemies when you can. I don't like Tom either, and dinner will be better without him’” . This quote supports the idea of Man Vs Society and also the idea of El patron's power. This effected Matt because if El Patrón

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