...out of tears”(Wiesel, pg 112). Elie was very sad that his father died, but could not cry because he was too exhausted. He is in immense mental pain because he now realizes, from what he knows, that his only surviving family member died. What really showed how his faith dropped was right before this happened. When he realized that his father died, he forgot to/ choose not to pray. He then says, “No prayers were said over his tomb, No candle lit in his memory” (Wiesel, pg 112). In the Jewish religion, saying a prayer or saying “kaddish” is very important because it helps the “soul” reach Heaven. When Elie does not say “kaddish”, he is admitting that God is not real and has no faith in him. How it shows that Elie has lost all faith is because he does not believe that saying “kaddish” will do anything for his father and therefore, believes that God is not real. Elie starts off as a strong, religious, and faithful boy, but his experiences with the Holocaust has made him lose all his faith. Elie’s faith declined throughout the novel because each time he saw something horrible, he would ask himself “How would God let this happen?”. He asked himself this question enough to finally...
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...“Night”. A boy that had a strong passion for his God but then begins to question his own reasons. A Kid who valued his religion but then replaces it, yet not entirely forgetting. Before the events of the Holocaust, Elie devotes his life to his faith. Day and night he spends his time “to discover the essence of divinity” through pray and the teachings of his master that he sought to find himself. When he is questioned with why he prays he answers with “why did I live? Why did I breath?” Elie questions his religion, his belief, and his creed over his life. It’s hard to believe that a kid that cries when he prays can change his view on the matter. On the eve of Rosh Hashanah at the concentration camp in Buna, Elie is faced with death, which results in questioning God. “What if it really were our last day”. Elie proposes in a fearful and tense tone. The idea of death would concern anyone as well as make you question and reflect back; as for Elie he queries his religion. “What are you, my God?” Plus ”why would I bless Him?” And like Moishe the beadle said, “every question processed a power that was lost in the answer.” As for Elie he concludes with “ I no longer accepted God’s silence.” This phrase is very unlike the Elie we meet at the start. He went from a strong love for his passion in philosophy to a burning disappointment As we near the end of the memoir, Elie’s confidence in God becomes more apparent. He “no longer believed” in Him but just not in the same way as he once...
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...At the beginning of Night Elie said he was someone who believes profoundly. How has his faith changed throughout his experience at Auschwitz and other camps? Elie has been through a lot since the beginning of the book. His life has been turned around and changed completely, and so has his faith. In chapter one, page 4, after praying Moishe the Beadle was asking Elie why he had cried while they prayed. Elie responded saying “Why did I pray? Strange question. Why did I live? Why did I breathe?” Elie’s faith was strong. He’d spend all day in the synagogue reading the Zohar, studying jewish laws and praying. Elie passionately believed in his faith and was very devoted to it. Nothing was going to stop him from being so dedicated to is religion,...
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...Elie and His Conflict About His Faith Elie Wiesel, the author of Night, grew up in a very religious family. On the very first page of the book, Elie tells the reader about how much he believes in God and how much he thinks about religion, but once in Auschwitz, he begins to struggle with his belief in God. Throughout his time in Auschwitz, this conflict is developed and is shown with his anger towards God, questioning God's power, and no longer believing in God. Because of this, Elie’s conflict over his faith is the biggest internal conflict in the book that affects him greatly. Once Elie is in the concentration camp, the conflict starts to build. He feels anger towards God because all of the terrible things that are happening around him and God is not trying to prevent them. We can see his anger at God on page 33: “For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify His name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for”. This shows conflict because he’s always been “deeply observant” (3) and presumably very thankful to God and now he can’t even bring himself to say the word “God”....
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...Elie’s Faith Throughout His Life Elie Wiesel’s Night tells the haunting tale of a young man being turned into an animal because of his religion. Elie was a passionate teen boy who was devoted to Judaism living in Czechoslovakia. But soon, Nazi Germany begins the Final Solution, a meticulous plan to eradicate all Jews and any other unorthodox humans in Europe. Thus, Elie and his family is transported to the concentration camp, Auschwitz. He faces the horrors of the camp, and his faith begins to waver as he and God watch innocent lives being stripped away. Throughout the book, Elie is constantly battling his devotion to God, changing from the faithful teen in the beginning to the animalistic man who hated his god and back to a man who was able to regain his faith. Eliezer was extremely devoted in his religious studies in the beginning, almost as if all his trust and hope went into God. He had a fiery passion to pursue and study the ancient, holy texts of his people, keeping his faith close to his heart. He spent his time either studying or staying at a place of worship. Elie began at the early age of twelve, saying that “I believed profoundly. During the day I studied the Talmud, and at night I ran to the synagogue...
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...RELIGION AND SOCIETY UNIT ONE * The Holocaust By Chelsea Nguyen 11 Silver QUESTION NUMBER 3: Discuss the relationship Wiesel has with God throughout Night. Eliezer Wiesel presents the Jewish faith in a moment of extreme darkness however, what gives him the courage and strength to continue to live is his connection with religion and his relationship with God. Initially Elie shows strong devotion, then becomes disillusioned with God’s power, and ultimately redefines the position God holds in his life. In the beginning, Elie Wiesel’s relationship with God in Night shows strong devotion. Wiesel made spirituality inherent to all activities, wished to spend his life focused around Judaism, and devoted all his free time and energy on religious studies. Wiesel believed that religion was a basic survival need, showing that he followed his religion instinctively. When asked why he prayed, Wiesel couldn’t think of a proper answer and thought, “…strange question, why did I live, why did I breathe?”. Wiesel maintained confidence in religion as the situation deteriorated. Wiesel and his people gave thanks to God for survival, keeping hope that God was putting them through a test of hardships what would keep them alive if they kept their faith. When they had arrived at Auschwitz, they thanked God and were able to regain their confidence because, “Here was a sudden release from the terrors of the previous nights”. Wiesel thanked God for the little things that helped him because...
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...How would you handle your faith during an extreme trial or adversity? In the memoir “Night” by Elie Wiesel, Elie’s faith begins to change drastically during his time in Nazi captivity. He witnesses atrocious acts such as the burning of babies and the hanging of a young boy. This causes Elie Wiesel to act in ways that can be considered inhuman. As a result of the adversities and devastation that Elie faced, he began to lose faith in God, his fellow man, and even himself; however, some people, instead of losing their faith during trials, grow and increase in faith. From the beginning of his time in the concentration camp, he begins to lose faith in his fellow man and himself. Quite quickly he realizes and fully understands the severity of what...
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...focuses on a more factual perspective while Life is Beautiful is more light-hearted. Night is very detailed. It really causes the reader to react in a disgusted way. Life is Beautiful is less factual and more optimistic. It is more of a satire. For example, the main character, Guido, is a goofy little man who makes the movie entertaining through his funny lines and actions. The stories portray the Holocaust in different ways; but the true story vs. the less factual tale makes this an easy contrast. The personal values tested in Night are geared towards religious faith while the central idea of Life is Beautiful is focused on loyalty to family. The main character in Night is Eliezer, a young Jewish boy who was very faithful to his religion. He prayed every day, and each time he did, he would cry. “I had never asked myself that question. I cried because...because something inside me felt the need to cry. That was all I knew”. He says that he doesn’t know, but unconsciously his faith in God is causing Eliezer to speak to God on a regular basis. These details make it clear to the reader that Eliezer was a boy of belief. So how could a boy of such beliefs become doubtful? How could he start to lose his faith? “Never shall I forget those moments which murdered my God and my soul and turned my dreams to dust.” This quote explains how the Holocaust affected...
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...The Book of Job According to Gutiérrez and Wiese Elie Wiesel and Gustavo Gutiérrez analyses’ of the book of Job are paralleling at times yet very different throughout their pieces. Since Gustavo is a Christian and Wiesel is Jewish, their religious beliefs effect the way they analyze the book of Job. Another aspect that affects Elie’s and Gustavo’s writing pieces are their life experiences. In the book of Job, Job is really tested by God and has to overcome many struggles in his life given to him by Satan. Elie and Gustavo related to Job because they too have had many life struggles and questioned their faith the way Job did. Faith and personal experience is what allows Eli and Gustavo to find the important lesson they believe are worth explaining. The similarities between these two writers are the way they relate to Job through their life experiences. They are differences in their analysis are their religious beliefs. A similarity that I found between both writers was the way they feel about talking to God when they are going through a life struggle. To me this is very understandable and all humans do this. What separates God’s true followers are the ones who can get over the certain life struggle and still trust in God. Throughout this paper I will go into greater detail what lessons the authors draw from the Book of Job and how their analyses reflect their respective religious traditions. At the end I will determine whose take on Job was more convincing. Job goes through...
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...It is human nature to compare one to another, people are judged unfairly by the color of their skin, where they came from, what they wear, and the way they speak. In this case it was none of these things, it was the religion they practiced. People can get very out of hand when it comes to religion. There are many cases of judgement and unfair treatment involving religion known in history, for example the holocaust. For instance, the stories created by Elie and Hannah Senesh. They were both victims of the horrible event that unfolded, and chose to write and express their view of it. In Elie’s book “Night”, he tells many stories in his own version of the devastation that occurred. There is a section that tells about his experience with his...
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...Tone Over the course of chapter 5, I have seen that the Elie’s perspective on god and his religion has changed drastically, giving this story a very depressing tone. This has been shown because in the time of the Jewish new year, he was telling himself that he was feeling rebellious against god “What are you, my god? I thought angrily” . He was questioning why god had let this happen. He was asking why god wasn’t helping them and why this has happened. The rebellious feeling in him was probably from anger and confusion. Now this feeling of true loss and defeat, has given this story a very sad and depressing tone. This is shown once again when the jews were celebrating the Jewish new year, when he decides that this isn’t fair, why...
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...Imagine there were five children, each brought up in a religion that is consistent throughout the group. Four of those children grow up to practice the religion and build their lives around it. On the other hand, the one child, who grew up in penury, discarded his/her devotion to the god and focused all his/her efforts in the family’s survival. This is similar to the relationship between Elie Wiesel, his father and God. At first, Elie built a barrier between him and his father because he felt that his father did not care for their family as much as he cared for others: Eliezer, devoted to his religion, is not close with his father because he refuses that Elie read the Kabbalah, a religious text. After he and his father are separated from the rest of his family, Elie realizes that they are going to have to depend on each other to survive the Holocaust. Throughout Night, Elie grows closer to his father, whilst...
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...Christianity developed from the Jewish faith in the person and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth. The Christian religion, as with the ancient Greek religion, was first generated through the oral tradition. Jesus was believed to be the only Son of God by the early Christians, and this belief has endured in the modern Christian world. The Holy Bible, consisting of the Old and New Testament, is the basic scripture for Christians, and although Christianity and Greek Mythology are very distinct, they are similar in many interesting ways. Statement of Purpose I am a Christian, and in writing this piece I am in no way saying that Christianity is a myth. It is my intention to point out how Greek mythology and Christianity are similar, and nothing more. It is interesting to learn how ancient people lived and worshiped, and psychology finds mythology useful in classifying modern modes of action. Three Major Ways Greek Mythology and Christianity are Similar Although the gods and heroes of Ancient Greece are not worshiped today, this ancient religion is still comparable to modern Christianity. Greek mythology and Christianity are similar in that they: (1) teach a moral way of life; (2) teach that a woman (Pandora or Eve) caused the downfall of mankind; (3) and both have a savior figure. Although Greek mythology and Christianity are similar, they differ in their concept of sacrifice, punishment, and doctrine, and I will discuss this in a separate piece. A Moral Way of Life To begin, Greek...
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...Religion to me is a part of everyday life. The decisions and judgments I make on a day-to-day basis are created based upon my upbringing and what religion I was taught being raised as a child, which is what was instilled in my parents from their parents and so on. I was raised Catholic and try my very best to attend Church on a weekly to monthly basis. I went through the ranks having been Baptized, First communized and Confirmed. I don’t consider myself a “religious” person in the sense that I am an avid member of the church, but I do believe there is a being that exists that looks over us. I think it’s important to have religious beliefs because in a time of need or desperation, there is a supreme being that you can instill your faith in and ask for help when needed. For me, Religion officially kicked in and made me a little bit more faithful during my time in the United States Air Force. From Basic training to deployments on the front line, Religion was something that gave me solace during concern and fear. Basic training was so in your face that on Sunday’s the military gave you some time for you to escape a few hours each day from the constant stresses the Training can provide. Sundays were a day that you looked forward to and each an every day, the harder you pressed on, the closer you were to a few measly hours of peace and quiet away from the Technical Instructors that wanted to make your life unbearable. Religion offered me a time then, to get closer in touch...
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...European publication: It is a rationalistic effort to use philosophy in order to "vindicate the ways of God to man" (l.16), a variation of John Milton's claim in the opening lines of Paradise Lost, that he will "justify the ways of God to man" (1.26). It is concerned with the natural order God has decreed for man. Because man cannot know God's purposes, he cannot complain about his position in the Great Chain of Being (ll.33-34) and must accept that "Whatever IS, is RIGHT" (l.292), a theme that would soon be satirized by Voltaire in Candide.[1] More than any other work, it popularized optimistic philosophy throughout England and the rest of Europe. Pope's Essay on Man and Moral Epistles were designed to be the parts of a system of ethics which he wanted to express in poetry. Moral Epistles have been known under various other names including Ethic Epistles and Moral Essays. On its publication, An Essay on Man met with great admiration throughout Europe. Voltaire called it "the most beautiful, the most useful, the most sublime didactic poem ever written in any language". In 1756 Rousseau wrote to Voltaire admiring the poem and saying that it "softens my ills and brings me patience". Kant was fond of the poem and would recite long passages of the poem to his students [2]. However later Voltaire renounced his admiration for Pope andLeibniz's optimism and even wrote a novel, Candide, as a satire on Pope and Leibnitz's philosophy of ethics. The essay, written in heroic couplets...
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